Thursday, January 29, 2009
Liberals are Spin Artists!
First, lets take the Global Warming issue! 10 years ago Al Gore and his cronies were yelling at the top of their lungs... the world is going to catch on fire! If you live in Michigan don't buy a new winter coat because within 10 years you won't need it!
I Live in Ohio! I have never seen a colder winter.
I also resently visited the Ocean! An area I visited when I was a child (45 years ago) and the level of the ocean was exactly as it was then! The same tidal pools, rocks, jetties, etc! The ocean hasn't gone up even an inch!
Three years ago... it was, "The Warming trend is taking a break" ... which really meant the current figures don't fit our phony graphs!
Now... We are hearing "Well, Global Warming really means that the winters will become longer and colder and the summers Longer and Hotter!" Right!
Now... lets examine Obama and his Job Growth Plan! At first he is going to wave his magic wand and create 1 million new jobs within months! Then the number raced to 2 million a couple of weeks later! We gave Obama a couple of more weeks and his retoric grew by another million jobs! Then 4 million by the end of 2009!
Today... he is quoted as saying his recovery plan would "save or create more than three million new jobs over the next few years."
SO NOW he has totally covered all his bets! He is going to SAVE or CREATE Jobs and the time table has been pushed out THREE YEARS! Hummmm lets see... saving a dollar isn't anything like earning a dollar!
Liberalism... means not taking a real stance on any issue! You do everything in your power to cover all possible bets! If Obama or Pelosi went to a horse track they would bet $1 on every horse to win in order to profit three to four bucks! BUT... he can then go on ABC, NBC, CBS or CNN and claim to have picked the winner in Every Race! (This tactic wouldn't work on the FOX News channel because FOX would point out that he lost 4 to 5 dollars on every race).
Where am I wrong? Anyone can hit a bullseye with a shot gun!
Friday, January 23, 2009
GE profit down 44 percent
I for one will not even buy GE lightbulbs! I don't watch NBC, owned by GE, because of its far-left agenda.
I am sure I am not the only American not supporting GE!
Americans... please join me in destroying GE financially! Lets give the share holders a reason to boot CEO Jeff Immelt the leader of the far-left cult at GE!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Just because you don't believe in God doesn't exempt you from judgment.
I find it funny that atheists even take the time to fight the existence of God. I would think they would be like me in regards to atheists. Let them do their own thing; because in the end we will see who has the last laugh!
Many a atheist has upon his or her death bed begged a priest for Gods forgiveness in the hopes of an eternal life!
Removing words from speeches, buildings and other government property will not change the fact that more that 90 percent of Americans worship a God.
One last word! This country was built on the foundation of Judeo Christian values! If God bothers someone so much perhaps they should move to a communist country where God has been eliminated! Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and a host of others are all role models for possible leaders if they were alive today!
To all atheists, God Bless You!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Be Concerned... Big Brother is alive and Well
Why should you be concerned? The American Lung Association automatically gave states a failing grade of "F" if their cigarette tax was too low.
This is how leftist organizations think. Punish people with high taxes to the point that they can no longer afford to use the product or service being excessively taxed.
You hear it already in the new Obama administration. Congress is concerned that federal gas taxes have declined along with the use of petroleum products. So, their answer is, double the federal tax on gasoline to make up the difference!
Democrats got what they wanted; less use of petroleum products! So how will they reward you and I? Raise taxes!
Liberals use tax as a tool to punish those that do not conform to their social agenda. The rich must be taxed because they aren't sitting at home waiting for federal assistance. Big Business must be taxed because big business hates the working class and unions! Smokers must be taxed because they are doing something liberals believe they shouldn't.
Who or what is next? Cows, because they fart climate killing gases and are meat! Carbon, again because it is harmful to the planet (even though we and earth are carbon based). The list will be seemingly endless once Obama is anointed President. He will more than likely have a think tank to come up with additional taxes or the more friendly user fees.
Excessive Taxation and Socialism leads to declining job growth, productivity, and new technology. A lesson liberals refuse to grasp.
You think the economy is bad now! Just give the Libs a couple more Trillion Dollar pots of money and see just how fast our economy tanks! It will be FDR and Carter all over again!
Don't you wish you had a money machine just like the federal governments! Just push a button and out pops a Trillon Dollars. the proverbial Money Tree does exist!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
"We Think We can!", said big bad government.
These are the same guys (Federal Govewrnment) that want to take over health care for everyone in the United States! In the big picture; switching from analog television to digital is a cake walk compared to managing millions of patients, their individual medical records and sepecialized treatments!
If our government can't manage television do you really want them dictating your medical care? No second opportunities when it comes to your health!
FCC chairman: DTV delay could cause confusion (AP)
LAS VEGAS - Postponing the turnoff of analog TV broadcasts beyond the scheduled date, Feb. 17, could confuse consumers, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission warned Saturday.
President-elect Barack Obama's transition team on Thursday asked Congress to delay the shut-off. The main reason the team cited was that the Commerce Department earlier in the week ran out of money for the coupons that subsidize the cost of the converter boxes which allow older analog TVs to receive digital signals.
In an interview at the International Consumer Electronics Show here, FCC chairman Kevin Martin said it's important to make sure that the converter box subsidy program gets back on track, but that doesn't mean delaying the analog turnoff is necessary.
"There are options they can do without having to delay to get coupons flowing immediately," Martin said. Congress could give the program additional funding, or eliminate the 90-day expiration deadline on the coupons, he said.
"I'm concerned about a delay in the sense that if you can solve that issue other ways, a delay has actually the potential to confuse consumers," said Martin, a Republican. "All of our messaging has been about Feb. 17 — not just ours — the industry's."
The Feb. 17 date has been widely advertised by local TV stations.
Additionally, Martin said, some broadcasters have already scheduled the engineering work necessary to take down their analog antennas so they can maximize their digital coverage.
The date of the transition and the terms of the coupon program were set by Congress. The FCC, as the broadcast regulator, has an important role in administering the transition.
Democratic FCC commissioner Jonathan Adelstein, speaking at a panel discussion at the show, said he understood the call for a delay.
"This program has been badly mismanaged. It's not ready for prime time," he said. "There are so many elements of the preparation that have not been undertaken ... We don't have program in place in the field to help people who need assistance in their homes. The phone banks are inadequately prepared."
Friday, January 9, 2009
Plan for the Future... Obama is!
A BIG "Change" in his remarks from a few weeks ago prior to the election. Prior to the election HE was going to fix this problem over-night and would almost immediately put us back on the road to prosperity.
Being a rookie economist myself; if I were going to implement Obama's plan to rescue this nations financial woes I too would give a speech and tell the nation how bad and long this terrible economic crisis will last!
Fairly simple actually... if your credit cards are maxed-out and you can't afford the minimum payments then the wrong decision is to get more credit cards!
Jimmy Carter tried to spend our way to prosperity! Where did that land us?
I assure you, Obama's prediction will come true! The economy will get worse! Unemployment will go up, interest rates on a new home will go into double digits, and our nations debt will more than triple over the next four years!
Another Rick prediction... three to four years from now Obama and the His Liberal Media Friends will be pointing fingers back at President Bush and his failed policies! (Never would they look into Barney Frank and Chris Dodds involvement in the Housing Crisis which directly lead to this crisis!)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
When will American get serious about winning the war against terrorism?
Requesting a lawyer to sue your way out of prison camp would have been mocked; you would have received a beating or reduced rations just for asking!
Prisoners taken during the war against terror should go to prison camp until the end of the war! Same as during WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, etc!
Do we want to win or are we just playing games? Unfortunately, the answer scares me!
It is time the POLITICIANS got out of the business of war and let the soldiers, sailors, marines, and air men do their jobs! Win the war!
The following story gives terrorist's the will to fight on! It demonstrates American's lack of fortitude and will to win!
Perhaps the answer is "Take no Prisoneers" That would put fear into the hearts of terrorists!
By LARA JAKES, Associated Press Writer Lara Jakes, Associated Press Writer – Wed Jan 7, 3:48 am ET
WASHINGTON – Four men being held as terror suspects at a U.S. military base in Afghanistan are asking a federal judge for the right to sue for their release — a right already given to detainees at Guantanamo Bay.
A hearing Wednesday will test whether a 2008 Supreme Court decision — allowing al-Qaida and Taliban suspects at the U.S. naval base in Cuba to challenge their detention — should be extended to detainees held at other military prisons overseas.
The government argues that the detainees should have their cases heard by military tribunals.
"This court has no jurisdiction to review this," the Justice Department wrote in a Dec. 19 motion asking for the case to be dismissed.
It added, "Federal courts should not thrust themselves into the extraordinary role of reviewing the military's conduct of active hostilities overseas, second-guessing the military's determination as to which captured aliens as part of such hostilities should be detained, and in practical effect, superintending the executive's conduct in waging a war."
But lawyers for the four men in Wednesday's case in U.S. District Court say the Guantanamo standard needs to be applied to other prisons.
Otherwise, "a lot of the Guantanamo detainees could be transferred to Afghanistan — basically shifting the problem somewhere the government argues that they cannot challenge," said Kathleen Kelley of the International Human Rights Clinic at Stanford Law School, who is representing three of the four men.
"We are saying that's just not true," Kelley said Tuesday. "Detainees cannot be held without process indefinitely anywhere by the U.S. government."
More than 200 detainees are challenging their imprisonment at Guantanamo, where many have been held for years without being charged with a crime.
But more than 600 are being held at Bagram Air Base outside of Kabul, Afghanistan's capital. In Iraq, officials estimate thousands are imprisoned in U.S.-maintained detention centers.
The evidence against the four men at the heart of Wednesday's case is unknown, and many facts about how and whether they were initially swept up and imprisoned after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, have never been made clear. Their lawyers are largely relying on statements from the International Committee of the Red Cross and other detainees who have since been released to build their case for freedom.
Tina Foster of the International Justice Network said none of the four — two Yemeni, one Tunisian and one Afghan — were in Afghanistan at the time they were captured in 2002. At least two of them disappeared for several years, then turned up in Bagram, Foster said.
It's suspected they were held in secret prisons where they could be interrogated, Kelley said.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Roosevelt, Carter, now Obama!
What does the story below really mean to Americans! Our nation is going to go so far into debt during Obama's term in office we may never recover.
If a family faces financial difficulty shout it go out and rack up additional bills and go futher into debt? It doesn't take an economist with a PHD to understand how stupid this idea is! Common since dictates that additional debt will hurt in the long run!
Additional American debt means that more of our hard earned tax revenue will go towards paying the bill. Which in turn means less for the government and all its programs.
What will be the next step... the famous path always taken by Liberally Controlled Governments... raise taxes! Again... simple math right? just raise taxes and the money will pour in! No thought that businesses will fire more people because of the additional taxes.
Look at New Jersey and Michigan. Two states that went down this Liberal road! They have driven business out of their respective states by the never stopping tax increases. Both states are now begging our Federal Government for a bailout along with many other liberal states!
Because we Americans are using LESS gas the Federal governement is loosing federal gax taz revenue... thier answer; increase the gas tax by 50 percent!
Liberals will never learn... high taxes kill productivity and job creation!
Government made jobs are not the answer... sure, rebuild a road or a bridge because it is needed but this type of job creation is temporary! Once the road or bridge is completed the jobs will be lost again!
What is needed is long term job creation. Non-government jobs that manufacture or provide services to the people of the world. Successful businesses create jobs, provide tax revenue which in turn drive the economy forward!
History is clear... Roosevelt's liberal plan was a failure! It was World War II that ended the great depression not government projects!
Obama is heading down the Roosevelt road... in a couple of years I will be able to say, "I TOLD YOU SO!"
Taxes will be raised, unemployment will raise, interest on a home purchase will go into the double digits, inflation will be near ten percent! Can you spell JIMMY CARTER?
NEW YORK (Reuters) – President-elect Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats are considering a major expansion of government-assisted health care insurance and unemployment benefits as part of a two-year economic recovery program, The New York Times reported in its Sunday editions.
Proposals included extending unemployment compensation to part-time workers, subsidizing employers who must continue health insurance benefits temporarily for laid-off and retired employees and allowing workers who lose jobs that did not include insurance to apply for Medicaid, the Times said.
The proposals would be included with other economic measures like ramping up spending on infrastructure and other public works projects meant to stimulate job growth, the Times said.
Democratic aides said the House of Representatives is not expected to vote until next week at the earliest on any stimulus plan, with final action now unlikely before February, the newspaper reported.
Citing Obama advisers, the newspaper said the package, which could face resistance from Republicans and conservative Democrats, would cost at least $775 billion.
"This has really forced people to think outside the box," the Times quoted a House Appropriations Committee aide as saying, "because this is more money than anybody expected to be spending."
Obama is also likely to propose a tax credit of $500 for eligible individuals and $1,000 for couples, the newspaper said. Those earning too little to pay federal income tax would receive a check meant to offset Social Security retirement and Medicare payroll taxes.