Thursday, February 26, 2009

Class Warfare

Obama wrote. "There's nothing wrong with making money, but there is something wrong when we allow the playing field to be tilted so far in the favor of so few."

These few, Obama is referring to graduated from high school, went to college, have MBA's or went on to Medical or Law schools. These people, which represent 2 percent of the U.S. tax-paying population pays 59.9 percent of the tax bill.

So... lets pretend for a moment that this 2 percent of the population decided to move to another country... what then? Yes, I know this isn't going to happen... but, what if it did? This country would go broke in a few months!

The rich under Obama's plan will pay 39.9 percent of the tax bill!

Along with these people would go much of this countries wealth, jobs, and future growth!

The LEFT needs to stop this class warfare crap now.

The poor should be grateful we have people that went to medical school, dental school, started businesses, etc. For without them, there would be no WELFARE!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama's Speech

As usual, Obama came across as if he were an Angel sent from above. As long as he sticks to the teleprompter he wins the hearts and souls of the uninformed.

But, like his political speeches during his campaign he is making promises that he has no intention on keeping.

Look at his track record... he promised transparency and we received closed door negotiations, he promised to keep lobbyists out of his administration yet Obama's cabinet is filled with former lobbyists, he promised honesty and we have tax cheats throughout his administration, he keeps promising "responsible spending" and we just funded millions of dollars on the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse in the San Francisco Bay area, he promised no earmarks yet the spending bill just passed is filled with earmarks.

Obama resembles a political character in a cheesy classic movie... "I promise a car in every garage and a rose garden in every yard." Everyone should know that these are hollow promises.

To use Obama's own retoric... "These are Only Words"

Rick Smiley

Global Warming?

My friends, the above website is impressive and well thought out! Unlike Al Gores data that is based on a political agenda and fear. This website offers well thought out theories supported by REAL data.

Please take a look and decide for yourself.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Conservative Values and the GOP

I am finding it difficult to swallow the GOP's resent return to Conservative Small Government values.

During the Bush administration my party went along with the increase in spending and growth of government. Where was the GOP then... where were their "Values".

It makes me mad as heck to see the GOP's fighting for small government NOW! Do you know how silly this makes you look? It makes you look partisan..... PERIOD!

Either you have Conservative values or not! Just because the sitting president is one of your own doesn't make it is alright to support his spending habits if they go against your Values!

Get it?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Obama is going to Slash Bush's Debt by half!

Update March 23rd: the debt is now 11,039,686,130,898.10

Again... Obama is using smoke and mirrors to shield himself from the truth!

On Obama's inauguration day the Federal budget was $10.6 Trillion. (Check for yourself at

Today, Obama tells the world he is going to SLASH the deficit by half by the end of his first term.

Well.... Obama is using a PRETEND number he grabbed from the air. If he really intends to slash the debt by half he needs to use the true figure.

Opps... since His inauguration Obama has added to the National Debt, it is now $10.8 Trillion. Again, check for yourself at the above website!

Obama... I realize truth and transparency are only "Words", but how about the truth for once!

As a fiscally conservative person I am all for reducing our nations debt! Obama, I am behind you in the effort of reducing our debt... but, don't throw out numbers that are meaningless just so down the road you cab toot your horn saying you reduced our debt for POLITICAL gain only!

So.. I challenge you President Obama to tell the truth and to reduce the actual debt by half! So far all you have done is add to the historically out of control problem... you point your finger at Bush, but you have added more to the nations debt at a pace that is unimaginable! (agin, just graph it)

So using the real debt, the national debt should be $5.4 Trillion at the end of your first term if you truely want to reduce it by half!

Anyone want to place a bet on Obama's success? I am willing to give you 100 to 1 odds that he can't reduce the debt to $5.4 Trillion! PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS! I have two mortgages to pay!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Open Letter to Reverend Al Sharpton

Reverend Sharpton, As an American, I am sick and tired of you and your race baiters going out and stirring up trouble.

The Cartoon in the New York Post of a monkey being shot by two police officers is not an attack against President Obama as you claim. The picture is clearly making the statement that even a monkey can do Congress's job! For your information, Obama didn't even write the Bill... it was Nancy Pelosi and her cronies in Congress!

America will never take you, Reverend Sharpton, seriously until you come to the defense of a white person, a Hispanic, an Asian or other nationality other than African Americans. All you do is show up and throw gasoline on a fire! You preach equality... but you are the first to look the other way when it doesn't fit your racially motivated agenda. Don't we all deserve defense when our civil rights are violated? Or, is the civil rights movement a black cause only?

It is on you to show leadership in the civil rights arena. Put your actions where your mouth is; prove to America that civil rights is a color blind issue!

Where were you when the below pictures of President Bush were distributed? By the way, these are just a few of the thousands available. Why didn't you rush to Bush's defense? Because he is white? A conservative? A Republican?

Reverend, sorry but you just look foolish to most Americans! I know... I must be a racist for having an opinion that goes against yours or challenging a black person in general!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your Government... Your Friend! Really?

Once again our Government has found a way to step on capitalism. In a new law intended to protect children will actually result in the loss of thousands if not millions of jobs!

The law sets Lead-content limits: "Starting on February 10, 2009, consumer products intended for children 12 and under cannot have more than 600 parts per million [PPM] of lead in any accessible part" (quoted from the CPSC Enforcement Policy).

Manufacturers and re-sellers must certify that all items for sale have been tested at an government certified testing facility. This testing will cost thousands of dollars and will put many small and big business owners out of business.

The poor lady down the street that makes items for children and sells them at craft fairs will be out of business. She won't be able to pay for the testing! This woman that worked hard squeaking out a meager living won't be able to feed and clothe her children; another family on welfare!

Motorcycle dealers have been forced to remove small bikes and 4-wheelers from their showrooms already because they can't prove every part on the bike meets the new standard.

How about Goodwill Industries? They resell used toys and children's items... I guess they are out of business!

Will we be able to buy anything child related?

Makes me wonder how I survived childhood. The damn government wasn't there protecting me from big bad business.

Well kids... next Christmas will bring you sticks and stones! Well, tress and rocks have been known to have small levels of lead! A lump of coal is out, I am sure coal must contain small amounts of lead!

Thanks Obama... is this the Change you promised!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Budget Shortfalls

When our government is faced with budget shortfalls why do the working people always get the shaft?

Take California for instance. The state has a $42 billion shortfall and the democratically lead political machine has been unable to come up with solutions.

So, like clockwork, the politicians remedy is to lay-off 20,000 government workers! Don't misunderstand me, I believe the government workforce is over-paid, too large, and not very productive when compared to their civilian counterparts! But, in their defense they do get up and go to work.

Never do we see "Benefits" reduced.... why is it perfectly fine for a woman on "WELFARE" with six children to give birth to eight additional children?... Who is on the hook to care for these 14 children? The unemployed mother? No, you and I! By the time these children reach the age of 18 we the tax-payers will have paid out millions of dollars caring for these children.

How about the millions of dollars being spent on the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse in the San Francisco Bay area? The "Stimulus Bill" grants millions of dollars to this little rodent! NOT A JOB CREATING PROJECT!

Hummmm... a mouse lives about 3 years! So, if Darwin is correct this little mouse should be evolving at a pace 24 times that of man! Why doesn't this little guy just adapt to his environment, or grow wings and fly away? You on the left... is Darwin wrong?

I believe we must care for the environment,,, but we go to far!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." from our Declaration of Independence.

Simple said, we all have the right to do what makes us happy! So, if your goal in live is to have 14 children this is fine, but you should be able to support these children! If you want to sit on your rear all day long, fine, but don't expect a handout... you better have the bank-roll to support this choice!

My fellow Americans... it is time to care for Americans! Those that have chosen to live a Campaign and Caviar live on a Welfare budget must pay the price for poor decisions! Americans that get up and go to work, pay taxes and play by the rules should be rewarded with a government that puts us first and foremost! Call and Write your elected officials every day and tell them so!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Today, President Obama via his Press Secretary said that unemployment will not reach 10 percent!

I believe unemployment will reach 10 percent and beyond. A spending bill like the one passed by the democrats will not stimulate the economy. Giving people additional welfare benefits while ignoring tax incentives for small and big business is stupid!

Obama, it may buy you votes to give the unemployed additional weeks of unemployment benefits, but benefits don't make jobs! Businesses make jobs!

America... if you want to see where we are heading as a nation look to California. California for decades has governed under the socialized model and see where they are today. High employment, budget shortfall of $42 billion dollars. The democratic lead law-makers are now trying to raise taxes!

What is going to happen in California... business and individuals will abandon the state due to the excessive tax rate. The state will see additional decline in its revenue as people and businesses run, those on welfare will continue to demand more government assistance and finally the state will go bankrupt!

This is the same model President Obama and the Democrats in Congress are using. How long before we see double digit unemployment, home interest rates in the double digits, inflation of 8 to 10 percent, and tax rates like those during the Carter years?

Tell me I am wrong!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Obama, another lie! What would Lincoln do?

During Obama's campaign, he clearly labeled "Middle-Class" as those earning $250,000 or less.

The Pork Bill has the following provisions:

- Obama’s plan to give workers a break on payroll taxes was cut back. It went from $500 to $400 for individuals and from $1,000 to $800 for couples. Individuals earning $75,000 and couples earning $140,000 are ineligible.

- There will still be tax breaks for buying a new car, but it will be harder to qualify and the total money available dropped from $11.5 billion to $2 billion, The Wall Street Journal reports. On the other hand, reports the measure allows those who buy a vehicle this year to deduct the state sales and excise taxes, as long as the buyer earns less than $125,000 per year.

Funny, just a couple days ago Obama was on his soapbox telling America on national television how the middle class was hurting. How the middle-class needed action now to prevent a catastrophe.

Even Prince Harry and Princess Nancy kept to the talking points with the "Helping the Middle-class" was their top priority! Funny, I thought funding condoms was Princess Nancy's top issue!

IF Obama was a man of his word and had even a little integrity, "Like Lincoln, the President Obama is trying to emulate" he would veto the bill and send it back! Why, HE MADE A PROMISE TO CARE FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS AND THIS BILL LEAVES OUT MILLIONS OF MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS.

Will Obama be true to his word? Easy answer... NO!

Obama is no Lincoln! Obama, is a hollow-man with no soul! He will throw anyone from the bus to promote his socialist agenda including millions of those he sought support.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What Planet are we living on?

A woman with six children goes to a fertility clinic and has 8 embryos implanted. Nine months later she gives birth to eight premature children.

This woman has no job or other means to care for her 14 children. She and her children are now dependent on you and I for the care and "welfare" of her family. Over the next 18 years we the tax-payers are going to be on the hook for millions of dollars.

A 15 year old girl gets pregnant. Drops out of high school to care for her child. By the age of 20 this same girl has three additional children, is married to her high school sweetheart who is also a high school drop-out.

These two love-birds sit at home all day long smoking "his" prescription marijuana, in their "free" government home, eating junk food purchased with food stamps, watching their 42" plasma TV purchased with welfare money while their children drink Mountain Dew all day long. (real people I know of in Oregon)

Obama gets in front of this nation and tells us that the time has come to take "RESPONSIBILITY"... does this only apply to the working class of this nation? Are high school drop outs, drug addicts, tax cheats, politicians, and malingerers exempt from taking "RESPONSIBILITY" for their actions?

Perhaps I need to show up at Obama's next press conference and beg for a brand new Range Rover and a CEO position at a major corporation... It is becoming apparent "to the working class" that Obama and his cronies want to establish a permanent class of people dependent on the government! With dependency comes votes! So Obama, if I vote Democrat will I get my Range Rover and CEO job?

People, please wake up before it is to late! Our government is raping our nation. The Trillions of dollars they are printing and borrowing must be repaid with interest in the future. Not to mention the $50 trillion dollar medicare and social security bill that is coming due in the next decade as baby-boomers retire. The "working classes" tax rate will be 70 to 80 percent after paying local, state and federal taxes! There will be no incentive to work when the majority of your paycheck will go towards social programs!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Are Auto Workers Overpaid???

I am not a fan of University Professors due to their being mostly a bunch of left-wing socialists that pollute our children's minds with half-truths and Stalinist Ideals. But, with that being said, a university professor should earn 2 to 3 times times that of an United Auto Worker! At least the professor had the fortitude to stay in school!

We need people to assemble autos, but lets be honest, this is not brain surgery!

According to Forbes;

UAW Labor cost per hour, wages and benefits for hourly workers, 2006.

Ford: $70.51 ($141,020 per year)

GM: $73.26 ($146,520 per year)

Chrysler: $75.86 ($151,720 per year)

Toyota, Honda, Nissan (in U.S.): $48.00 ($96,000 per year)

According to AAUP and IES, the average annual compensation for a college professor in 2006 was $92,973 (average salary nationally of $73,207 + 27% benefits).

Bottom Line: The average UAW worker with a high school degree earns 57.6% more compensation than the average university professor with a Ph.D. (see graph above, click to enlarge), and 52.6% more than the average worker at Toyota, Honda or Nissan.

Many industry analysts say the Detroit Three, and especially Ford, must be on par with Toyota and Honda to survive. This year's contract, they say, must be "transformational" in reducing pension and health care costs.

What would "transformational" mean? One way to think about: "transformational" would mean that UAW workers, most with a high school degree, would have to accept compensation equal to that of the average university professor with a Ph.D.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Obama's Finance Advisor!

The great American company General Electric is losing value and is failing!

October 2007 the price of a share of GE stock was $41.77, yesterday it was trading in the $10 range.

The far-left CEO Jeffery Immelt mismanaged his company and last Fall had to beg our government for a $140 billion bailout.

TODAY... President Obama invited Jeffery Immelt to be part of his economic advising team.

HUMMMMM... again, I am not the smartest tack in the box. BUT.... is a person that is driving his company into bankruptcy and had to beg for a bailout the right person to advise on economic policy?

Side Note; GE owns NBC! Also known as the National Barrack Channel. GE is a major manufacturer of Wind Power Generators (and Obama is promising to spend billions of tax-payer dollars on wind power). Can you spell "C.O.N.F.L.I.C.T O.F. I.N.T.E.R.E.S.T." Is this the CHANGE Obama promised?


Contrast the actions of the U.S Airline's pilot "Skully" with those of our 44th President Obama and the partisan speech he gave the evening of 5 February.

Skully displayed professionalism, skill and confidence. Those around him during the events leading up to the plane landing in the Hudson River felt comforted and hopeful.

Last night, Obama left the citizens feeling that life was over and our great nations prosperity was at an end. The message I heard was that if you had different views than Obama you were part of the problem, not the cure.

Obama, in front of the world pointed his finger at the Bush administration. "I found this mess when I showed up." Obama went on to blame Republicans because Republicans believe this is a spending plan and not a stimulus plan. He frightened Americans and gave Americans even more reason to dig-in and stop spending.

Imagine if you can General Eisenhower addressing his troops prior to the invasion of Normady and making statements like... "We have to do this because of the leadership prior to my arrivial" or "I know it looks bad, and it is... thousands of you are going to die because of rushed planning" or "you Americans are ready because you worked hard and have the proper equipment, unlike the British who are lazy and their leaders don't agree with this plan"

Leaders must lead. They take responsibility. They lead by example. They must instill confidence. They never disenfranchise part of their membership. They must be the catalyst that binds all members to a common goal. Finally, They never discipline or talk-down to a subordinate in public!

Skully was a leader! Obama sounded like a child not getting his way!

One last word... Obama grow up!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What is being done to repower the U.S.?

Below is a list of hydroelectric and nuclear power plants under construction worldwide. While every other country is taking the world's energy crisis seriously, what is the United States doing?

Note the number of power generating programs under construction in the United States!!! ZERO!

Our elected officials are doing everything in their power to bankrupt this country. Without power we will gradually become a third world country!

The big lie... wind and solar power will be the answer to our energy needs. Do you have any idea how many wind-generators and/or solar panels it will take just to replace our aging nuclear reactors? We may not have enough land!!!

Yes... our current inventory of nuclear power plants will soon be shut down due to age!

How many Nuclear Power plants are in the $900 Billion "Stimulus" Plan? Zero....

How much funding for Wind and Sun Research? Billions!

During the Campaign Obama said he was in favor of nuclear power... Really?


Name Capacity Country Scheduled completion

Three Gorges Dam 22,500 MW China 2009

Xiluodu Dam 12,600 MW China 2015

Xiangjiaba Dam 6,400 MW China 2015

Longtan Dam 6,300 MW China 2009

Nuozhadu Dam 5,850 MW China 2017

Jinping 2 Hydropower 4,800 MW China 2014

Laxiwa Dam 4,200 MW China 2010

Xiaowan Dam 4,200 MW China 2012

Jinping 1 Hydropower 3,600 MW China 2014

Pubugou Dam 3,300 MW China 2010

Goupitan Dam 3,000 MW China 2011

Guanyinyan Dam 3,000 MW China 2015

Boguchan Dam 3,000 MW Russia 2012

Chapetón 3,000 MW Argentina Unknown

Dagangshan 2,600 MW China 2014

Jinanqiao Dam 2,400 MW China 2010

Guandi Dam 2,400 MW China 2012

Liyuan Dam 2,400 MW China 2008

Tocoma Dam Bolívar State 2,160 MW Venezuela 2014

Ludila Dam 2,100 MW China 2015

Bureya Dam 2,010 MW Russia 2009

Shuangjiangkou Dam 2,000 MW China 2007

Ahai Dam 2,000 MW China 2006

Lower Subansiri Dam 2,000 MW India 2009

Red Sea dam 50,000 MW Middle East Unknown

Grand Inga 40,000 MW D/P Congo Unknown

Baihetan Dam 12,000 MW China 2015

Wudongde Dam 7,500 MW China 2015

Maji Dam 4,200 MW China 2013

Songta Dam 4,200 MW China 2013

Liangjiaren Dam 4,000 MW China 2015

Jirau Dam 3,300 MW Brazil 2012

Pati Dam 3,300 MW Argentina Unknown

Santo Antônio Dam 3,150 MW Brazil 2012

Lianghekou Dam 3,000 MW China 2015

Lower Churchill 2,800 MW Canada 2014

Changheba Dam 2,200 MW China 2015

Banduo 1 Dam 2,000 MW China 2009


Start Operation* REACTOR TYPE MW

2008 India, Rawatbhata 5 PHWR 202

2008 India, Kaiga 4 PHWR 202

2009 India, Kudankulam 1 PWR 950

2009 India, Rawatbhata 6 PHWR 202

2009 Iran, Bushehr 1 PWR 950

2009 Canada, Bruce A1 PHWR 769

2009 Russia, Volgodonsk 2 PWR 950

2009 Japan, Tomari 3 PWR 912

2009 India, Kudankalam 2 PWR 950

2010 China, Lungmen 1 ABWR 1300

2010 Canada, Bruce A2 PHWR 769

2010 Korea, Shin Kori 1 PWR 1000

2010 China, Lingao 3 PWR 1080

2010 Argentina, Atucha 2 PHWR 692

2010 Russia, Severodvinsk PWR x 2 70

2011 India, Kalpakkam FBR 470

2011 China, Lungmen 2 ABWR 1300

2011 Russia, Kalinin 4 PWR 950

2011 Korea, Shin Kori 2 PWR 1000

2011 China, Qinshan 6 PWR 650

2011 China, Lingao 4 PWR 1080

2011 Pakistan, Chashma 2 PWR 300

2011 Russia, Kursk 5 RBMK 1000

2012 Finland, Olkiluoto 3 PWR 1600

2012 China, Qinshan 7 PWR 650

2012 Korea, S Wolsong 1 PWR 1000

2012 France, Flamanville 3 PWR 1630

2012 Russia, Beloyarsk 4 FBR 750

2012 Japan, Shimane 3 PWR 1375

2012 Russia, Nov 6 PWR 1070

2012 Slovakia, Mochovce 3 PWR 440

2012 China, Hongyanhe 1 PWR 1080

2012 China, Ningde 1 PWR 1080

2013 China, Sanmen 1 PWR 1100

2013 China, Ningde 2 PWR 1080

2013 Krea, Shin Wolsong 2 PWR 1000

2013 Russia, Leningrad 5 PWR 1070

2013 Russia, Nov 7 PWR 1070

2013 Russia, Volgodonsk 3 PWR 1070

2013 Korea, Shin Kori 3 PWR 1350

2013 China, Hongyanhe 2 PWR 1080

2013 China, Yangjiang 1 PWR 1080

2013 China, Taishan 1 PWR 1700

2013 China, Shidaowan HTR 200

2013 China, Fangjiashan 1 PWR 1000

2013 China, Fuqing 1 PWR 1000

2013 Japan, Fukishima I-6 ABWR 1350

2013 Slovakia, Mochovce 4 PWR 440

2014 China, Sanmen 2 PWR 1100

2014 China , Haiyang 1 PWR 1100

2014 China, Ningde 3 PWR 1080

2014 China , Yangjiang 2 PWR 1080

2014 China, Hongyanhe 3 PWR 1080

2014 China, Fangjiashan 2 PWR 1000

2014 China, Fuqing 2 PWR 1000

2014 Korea, Shin-Kori 4 PWR 1350

2014 Japan, Power Ohma ABWR 1350

2014 Bulgaria, Belene 1 PWR 1000

2014 Russia, Leningrad 6 PWR 1200

2014 Russia , Volgodonsk 4PWR 1200

2014 Japan, Fukishima I-7 ABWR 1080

2015 Romania, Cernavoda 3PHWR 655

2015 Japan, Higashidori 1 ABWR 1080

Some further power reactors planned or on order

2015 Bulgaria, Belene 2 PWR 1000

2016 Japan, Higashidori 2 ABWR 1320

2014 Japan, Tsuruga 3 & 4 APWR 1500

2016 Japan, Kaminoseki 1 ABWR 1373

2017 Korea, Shin-Ulchin 1-2APR-1400 1350

2014 Japan, Higashidori 2 ABWR 1320

2015 Slovenia, Krsko 2 PWR? 1000?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Socialized Medicine... Not for ME!

TOKYO – A 69-year-old Japanese man injured in a traffic accident died after paramedics spent more than an hour negotiating with 14 hospitals before finding one to admit him, a fire department official said Wednesday.

The man, whose bicycle collided with a motorcycle in the western city of Itami, waited at the scene in an ambulance because the hospitals said they could not accept him, citing a lack of specialists, equipment, beds and staff, according to Mitsuhisa Ikemoto.

It was the latest in a string of recent cases in Japan in which patients were denied treatment, underscoring the country's health care woes that include a shortage of doctors.

The man, who suffered head and back injuries, initially showed stable vital signs, but his condition gradually deteriorated. He died from hemorrhagic shock about an hour and half after arriving at the hospital, Ikemoto said.

Ikemoto said the victim might have survived if a hospital would have accepted him more quickly. "I wish hospitals are more willing to take patients, but they have their own reasons, too," he said.

The death prompted the city to issue a directive ordering paramedics to better coordinate with an emergency call center so patients can find a hospital within 15 minutes.

The motorcyclist involved in the Jan. 20 accident was hurt too and was also denied medical care by two hospitals before one accepted him, Ikemoto said. He was recovering from his injuries.

More than 14,000 emergency patients were rejected at least three times by Japanese hospitals before getting treatment in 2007, according to the latest government survey. In the worst case, a woman in her 70s with a breathing problem was rejected 49 times in Tokyo.