Friday, December 12, 2008

Auto Bailout - Letter to Congress

Ever hear of Chapter 11? If filling Chapter 11 is good enough for the airline industry then it is good enough for the auto industry!

Stop trying to buy votes by catering to the UAW! Union auto workers are over-paid by about $10 an hour! A person at Burger King works as hard or harder than an auto worker at the UAW and the auto worker receives much greater compensation.

What would happen to McDonald's if they had to pay its employees $10 an hour more than Burger King, Wendy's and Jack in the Box? McDonald's would go broke! Same is true in the auto making industry! The big three can not compete with Honda, Nissan and BMW while providing wages not in line with going free market wage rate!

If you truly care about jobs and not votes at the BIG THREE then you must make them competitive with the foreign auto makers making autos here in America! CUT THE WAGES OF ALL UAW EMPLOYEES BY A THIRD!

1 comment:

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

Hi Rick! Iam just surfing through the net and came upon your blog.
Indeed you got a point there. If a company had to always give in to the demands of its employees then eventually the company had to close shop as these people will always demand more, as they will never be content with the salary and the benefits the company is giving them.
The downslide in the global economy however had made people thankful that they still have jobs to hold on to, although many of my countrymen are already uncertain whether they will lose their job before xmas or after it.
This is a very trying times for almost everyone, regardless of which part of the globe we live.
I just hope that the demands of a few won't sacrifice the needs of many.
May we all be able to stay afloat till the tide recedes...
Merry christmas to!