Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Health Care and Our Deficit

Congress claims their one trillion dollar health care bill is deficit neutral over ten years. Taxes and fees start immediately and benefits begin four years from now! Okay, I will bite, lets take a look at Congresses figures. The graph below breaks down the taxes/fees collected each year, benefits paid, and deficit in Billions of dollars. Notice after 10 years Congress is right; the balance is nearly zero which clearly indicates the program is deficit neutral after ten years.

BUT; notice how the deficit increases every year starting with year 11. This is why Congress calculated this program in this manner; to make it appear their plan pays for itself!

YR Taxes/Fees.............Benefits Paid.........Deficit
1 $100.................$ 0....................$100
2 $100.................$ 0....................$200
3 $100.................$ 0....................$300
4 $100.................$ 0....................$400
5 $100.................$166...................$334
6 $100.................$166...................$268
7 $100.................$166...................$202
8 $100.................$166...................$136
9 $100.................$166...................$ 70
10 $100.................$166...................$ 4
11 $100.................$166..................-$ 62
12 $100.................$166..................-$128
13 $100.................$166..................-$194
14 $100.................$166..................-$260
15 $100.................$166..................-$326

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

(UPDATE) Is Senator Sherrod Brown an anti-constitutionalist?

Last September I wrote Senator Brown a email because his staff compared the actions of ACORN to those of the Catholic Church. I wrote asking Senator Brown what his official position regarding the Catholic Church and ACORN was? I received a personal reply in a matter of days.

More recently, I email Senator Brown a question regarding Constitutional Law and health care. I received the standard cut and paste response to a generic health care question. Senator Brown chose not to answer my questions so I now assume Senator Brown believes Congress has the power to over-ride Constitutional Law. Senator Brown also must believe our country did not have health care during the writing of our Constitution.

(I cut and pasted the following into an email to Senator Brown)

After several attempts to get two questions answered by Senator Brown via email, yesterday I called his office to ask my questions directly. 1). I asked, “Will Senator Brown please provide the Article and Section in the Constitution that grants the Federal Government authority to regulate and pass laws regarding health care?” 2). “Where in the Constitution is authority established to compel citizens to purchase health insurance or any other commodity or service as part of being a law-abiding United States Citizen?”

The person in Senator Brown’s officer told me the Constitution does not give government authority to regulate health care; BUT, congress has the authority to pass any law as long as the law was “for the good of the people”.

Following these anti-Constitutional statements I was told by Senator Brown’s representative, that health care was not addressed in the Constitution by the Founding Fathers because our nation did not have Medical Care back then.

Really! Senator Brown, is it your position that this nation did not have health care during the writing of our Constitution? And, Congress can pass any law as long as the law “is for the good of the people?”

Please Senator Brown; will you respond to this letter?

(Response from Senator Brown;)

Dear Mr. Smiley:

Thank you for sharing your views regarding health reform.

Deliberations are ongoing and the issues you have raised are included in these discussions. In particular, there is continued debate related to provisions that would establish a public option, insurance reforms, tax credits, and an excise tax on “Cadillac” insurance plans. Additionally, the Senate continues its dialogue on Medicare issues, including provider payment rates, program eligibility, patient access, medical malpractice, and further improving Medicare benefits for the more than 44 million current enrollees.

Ensuring that the health reform legislation is budget neutral is a firm commitment that Congress will continue to uphold now and in the future. These issues won’t be resolved until a merged bill is agreed upon by both the House and Senate. As Congress moves forward on health reform, I will certainly work to address the issues contained in your letter.

If you wish to learn more about my work on health reform as well as the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that Ohioans have posed to my office, please visit my website at:


Thank you again for getting in touch with me on this important issue.


Sherrod Brown
United States Senator

Below is a post I made on Columbus/Central Ohio 912 Project Message Board. Please notice that Senator Brown wrote me a "personal" reply to my allegations. Apparently he wanted to set the record straight regarding his position on the Catholic Church/ACORN comparison his staff made during a phone conversation.

I called Sherrod Brown's office a few days back. I wanted to known if Senator Brown supported ACORN, and I also wanted to know what the senator thought of the undercover investigation and what was uncovered.

Senator Brown's spokesperson compared ACORN with the Catholic Church which made me mad as hell.

I wrote Senator Brown asking if he truly believed ACORN was on par with the Catholic Church when it came to community organizing.

Seems he is backpedaling quickly; I received the following. (First Personal Reply to date; I usually get a cut and paste reply)

Dear Mr. Smiley:

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). I was disturbed by your comment relaying your conversation with a staff person in my Columbus office. I certainly do not equate ACORN with the Catholic Church, and in fact I voted yesterday to bar ACORN from receiving any funds, directly or indirectly, from the appropriations bill under consideration that will fund federal transportation, housing, and urban development efforts.

A number of Ohioans have contacted me concerned that ACORN may be receiving tax dollars for voter registration efforts or to promote affordable housing as a result of the recent Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA). Many have also expressed concerns regarding the current situation involving the organization’s practices in Baltimore and Florida.

I certainly understand these concerns, however, ACORN is not receiving federal funds for voter registration or as a result of EESA. The federal government does not fund voter registration drives by any group.

As a former Secretary of State, I understand and value the importance of the integrity of the voting process. I strongly support efforts to investigate and prosecute voting fraud. For the most part, these law enforcement efforts are carried out at the state and local level. This is why local authorities have jurisdiction in the investigation of the 11 individuals accuse of fraud in Florida and Baltimore.

I will continue to monitor this situation. Should legislation regarding this matter come before the Senate, I will keep your views in mind.

Thank you again for getting in touch with me.


Sherrod Brown
United States Senator

Monday, December 7, 2009

Civil Rights

Following the Civil War the Democratic Party did everything within its power to disenfranchise African-Americans and to “put them in their place”. Following the death of President Lincoln, his successor, Vice President Andrew Johnson, a Democrat, vetoed Republican Controlled Congress’s Civil Rights Bills. Beginning in 1874, there was a rise in Democratic white paramilitary organizations, such as the White League and Red Shirts, a group of racist Democrats that supported Wade Hampton III’s political ambitions (Prelude to the Ku Klux Klan), whose political aim was to drive out sympathetic Republicans and terrorized blacks to bar them from the polls.

If the Democrats are so PROUD of their heritage and history why does their official website ( have a gap between 1848 and 1912? Are they not proud of their party’s heritage during this period? Are they not proud of the Jim Crow laws they put into place? Or, the lynching of blacks? The actions of the KKK? Democratic sponsored terrorism towards blacks and whites supporting black rights? I have sent numerous emails to the Democratic Party asking why their website abandons this period of Democrat History. Democrats choose not to reply to my inquiry.

I will fill in the Democrats missing heritage for them since they themselves find it unpalatable;

The Republican Party was formed in 1854 specifically to oppose the Democrats, and for more than 150 years, they have done everything they could to block the Democrat agenda. As you read the following Democratic atrocities that span three centuries, imagine if you will, what a far different nation the United States would be had not the Republicans been around to block the Democrats’ efforts.
March 20, 1854 Opponents of Democrats’ pro-slavery policies meet in Ripon, Wisconsin to establish the Republican Party.
May 30, 1854 Democrat President Franklin Pierce signs Democrats’ Kansas-Nebraska Act, expanding slavery into U.S. territories; opponents unite to form the Republican Party.
June 16, 1854 Newspaper editor Horace Greeley calls on opponents of slavery to unite in the Republican Party.
July 6, 1854 First state Republican Party officially organized in Jackson, Michigan, to oppose Democrats’ pro-slavery policies.
February 11, 1856 Republican Montgomery Blair argues before U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of his client, the slave Dred Scott; later served in President Lincoln’s Cabinet.
February 22, 1856 First national meeting of the Republican Party, in Pittsburgh, to coordinate opposition to Democrats’ pro-slavery policies.
March 27, 1856 First meeting of Republican National Committee in Washington, DC to oppose Democrats’ pro-slavery policies.
May 22, 1856 For denouncing Democrats’ pro-slavery policy, Republican U.S. Senator Charles Sumner (R-MA) is beaten nearly to death on floor of Senate by U.S. Rep. Preston Brooks (D-SC), takes three years to recover.
March 6, 1857 Republican Supreme Court Justice John McLean issues strenuous dissent from decision by 7 Democrats in infamous Dred Scott case that African-Americans had no rights “which any white man was bound to respect”.
June 26, 1857 Abraham Lincoln declares Republican position that slavery is “cruelly wrong,” while Democrats “cultivate and excite hatred” for blacks.
October 13, 1858 During Lincoln-Douglas debates, U.S. Senator Stephen Douglas (D-IL) states: “I do not regard the Negro as my equal, and positively deny that he is my brother, or any kin to me whatever”; Douglas became Democratic Party’s 1860 presidential nominee.
October 25, 1858 U.S. Senator William Seward (R-NY) describes Democratic Party as “inextricably committed to the designs of the slaveholders”; as President Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of State, helped draft Emancipation Proclamation.
June 4, 1860 Republican U.S. Senator Charles Sumner (R-MA) delivers his classic address, The Barbarism of Slavery.
April 7, 1862 President Lincoln concludes treaty with Britain for suppression of slave trade.
April 16, 1862 President Lincoln signs bill abolishing slavery in District of Columbia; in Congress, 99% of Republicans vote yes, 83% of Democrats vote no.
July 2, 1862 U.S. Rep. Justin Morrill (R-VT) wins passage of Land Grant Act, establishing colleges open to African-Americans, including such students as George Washington Carver.
July 17, 1862 Over unanimous Democrat opposition, Republican Congress passes Confiscation Act stating that slaves of the Confederacy “shall be forever free”.
August 19, 1862 Republican newspaper editor Horace Greeley writes Prayer of Twenty Millions, calling on President Lincoln to declare emancipation.
August 25, 1862 President Abraham Lincoln authorizes enlistment of African-American soldiers in U.S. Army.
September 22, 1862 Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation.
January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect.
February 9, 1864 Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery.
June 15, 1864 Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War.
June 28, 1864 Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts.
October 29, 1864 African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”.
January 31, 1865 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition.
March 3, 1865 Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves.
April 8, 1865 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate with 100% Republican support, 63% Democrat opposition.
June 19, 1865 On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation.
November 22, 1865 Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination.
December 6, 1865 Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified.
February 5, 1866 U.S. Rep. Thaddeus Stevens (R-PA) introduces legislation, successfully opposed by Democrat President Andrew Johnson, to implement “40 acres and a mule” relief by distributing land to former slaves.
April 9, 1866 Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Johnson’s veto; Civil Rights Act of 1866, conferring rights of citizenship on African-Americans, becomes law.
April 19, 1866 Thousands assemble in Washington, DC to celebrate Republican Party’s abolition of slavery.
May 10, 1866 U.S. House passes Republicans’ 14th Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the laws to all citizens; 100% of Democrats vote no.
June 8, 1866 U.S. Senate passes Republicans’ 14th Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the law to all citizens; 94% of Republicans vote yes and 100% of Democrats vote no.
July 16, 1866 Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of Freedman’s Bureau Act, which protected former slaves from “black codes” denying their rights.
July 28, 1866 Republican Congress authorizes formation of the Buffalo Soldiers, two regiments of African-American cavalrymen.
July 30, 1866 Democrat-controlled City of New Orleans orders police to storm racially-integrated Republican meeting; raid kills 40 and wounds more than 150.
January 8, 1867 Republicans override Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of law granting voting rights to African-Americans in D.C.
July 19, 1867 Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of legislation protecting voting rights of African-Americans.
March 30, 1868 Republicans begin impeachment trial of Democrat President Andrew Johnson, who declared: “This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government of white men”.
May 20, 1868 Republican National Convention marks debut of African-American politicians on national stage; two – Pinckney Pinchback and James Harris – attend as delegates, and several serve as presidential electors.
September 3, 1868 25 African-Americans in Georgia legislature, all Republicans, expelled by Democrat majority; later reinstated by Republican Congress.
September 12, 1868 Civil rights activist Tunis Campbell and all other African-Americans in Georgia Senate, every one a Republican, expelled by Democrat majority; would later be reinstated by Republican Congress.
September 28, 1868 Democrats in Opelousas, Louisiana murder nearly 300 African-Americans who tried to prevent an assault against a Republican newspaper editor.
October 7, 1868 Republicans denounce Democratic Party’s national campaign theme: “This is a white man’s country: Let white men rule”.
October 22, 1868 While campaigning for re-election, Republican U.S. Rep. James Hinds (R-AR) is assassinated by Democrat terrorists who organized as the Ku Klux Klan.
November 3, 1868 Republican Ulysses Grant defeats Democrat Horatio Seymour in presidential election; Seymour had denounced Emancipation Proclamation.
December 10, 1869 Republican Gov. John Campbell of Wyoming Territory signs FIRST-in-nation law granting women right to vote and to hold public office.
February 3, 1870 After passing House with 98% Republican support and 97% Democrat opposition, Republicans’ 15th Amendment is ratified, granting vote to all Americans regardless of race.
May 19, 1870 African-American John Langston, law professor and future Republican Congressman from Virginia, delivers influential speech supporting President Ulysses Grant’s civil rights policies.
May 31, 1870 President U.S. Grant signs Republicans’ Enforcement Act, providing stiff penalties for depriving any American’s civil rights.
June 22, 1870 Republican Congress creates U.S. Department of Justice, to safeguard the civil rights of African-Americans against Democrats in the South.
September 6, 1870 Women vote in Wyoming, in FIRST election after women’s suffrage signed into law by Republican Gov. John Campbell.
February 28, 1871 Republican Congress passes Enforcement Act providing federal protection for African-American voters.
March 22, 1871 Spartansburg Republican newspaper denounces Ku Klux Klan campaign to eradicate the Republican Party in South Carolina.
April 20, 1871 Republican Congress enacts the Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democratic Party-affiliated terrorist groups which oppressed African-Americans.
October 10, 1871 Following warnings by Philadelphia Democrats against black voting, African-American Republican civil rights activist Octavius Catto murdered by Democratic Party operative; his military funeral was attended by thousands.
October 18, 1871 After violence against Republicans in South Carolina, President Ulysses Grant deploys U.S. troops to combat Democrat terrorists who formed the Ku Klux Klan.
November 18, 1872 Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting, after boasting to Elizabeth Cady Stanton that she voted for “the Republican ticket, straight”.
January 17, 1874 Armed Democrats seize Texas state government, ending Republican efforts to racially integrate government.
September 14, 1874 Democrat white supremacists seize Louisiana statehouse in attempt to overthrow racially-integrated administration of Republican Governor William Kellogg; 27 killed.
March 1, 1875 Civil Rights Act of 1875, guaranteeing access to public accommodations without regard to race, signed by Republican President U.S. Grant; passed with 92% Republican support over 100% Democrat opposition.
September 20, 1876 Former state Attorney General Robert Ingersoll (R-IL) tells veterans: “Every man that loved slavery better than liberty was a Democrat… I am a Republican because it is the only free party that ever existed”.
January 10, 1878 U.S. Senator Aaron Sargent (R-CA) introduces Susan B. Anthony amendment for women’s suffrage; Democrat-controlled Senate defeated it 4 times before election of Republican House and Senate guaranteed its approval in 1919.
July 14, 1884 Republicans criticize Democratic Party’s nomination of racist U.S. Senator Thomas Hendricks (D-IN) for vice president; he had voted against the 13th Amendment banning slavery.
August 30, 1890 Republican President Benjamin Harrison signs legislation by U.S. Senator Justin Morrill (R-VT) making African-Americans eligible for land-grant colleges in the South.
June 7, 1892 In a FIRST for a major U.S. political party, two women – Theresa Jenkins and Cora Carleton – attend Republican National Convention in an official capacity, as alternate delegates.
February 8, 1894 Democrat Congress and Democrat President Grover Cleveland join to repeal Republicans’ Enforcement Act, which had enabled African-Americans to vote.
December 11, 1895 African-American Republican and former U.S. Rep. Thomas Miller (R-SC) denounces new state constitution written to disenfranchise African-Americans.
May 18, 1896 Republican Justice John Marshall Harlan, dissenting from Supreme Court’s notorious Plessy v. Ferguson “separate but equal” decision, declares: “Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens”.
December 31, 1898 Republican Theodore Roosevelt becomes Governor of New York; in 1900, he outlawed racial segregation in New York public schools.
May 24, 1900 Republicans vote no in referendum for constitutional convention in Virginia, designed to create a new state constitution disenfranchising African-Americans.
January 15, 1901 Republican Booker T. Washington protests Alabama Democratic Party’s refusal to permit voting by African-Americans.
October 16, 1901 President Theodore Roosevelt invites Booker T. Washington to dine at White House, sparking protests by Democrats across the country.
May 29, 1902 Virginia Democrats implement new state constitution, condemned by Republicans as illegal, reducing African-American voter registration by 86%.
February 12, 1909 On 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth, African-American Republicans and women’s suffragists Ida Wells and Mary Terrell co-found the NAACP.
June 18, 1912 African-American Robert Church, founder of Lincoln Leagues to register black voters in Tennessee, attends 1912 Republican National Convention as delegate; eventually serves as delegate at 8 conventions.
The only Civil Rights issue the Democratic Left has championed during its racist history was the hijacking of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the National Voting Rights Act of 1965. Much like today’s congress’ the Democratic Party had total control of Congress, and could pass any legislation it wished. It was Republican leadership that championed the historic civil rights acts of the 1960’s while many prominent Democrats, i.e. Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), fought to stop this historic event.

Civil Rights Act of 1964. Of the 311 Democratic Congressmen, merely 64 percent supported passage of the Bill; while 80 percent of the 204 Republican Congressmen supported passage. Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) was the ONLY Northern Democrat to oppose this historic Act!

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was actually the brain-child of President Eisenhower (Republican) and was introduced seven year earlier! Why didn't civil rights pass under Eisenhower? Then Senator Johnson blocked it's passage!

National Voting Rights Act of 1965. Of the 346 Democratic Congressmen, just 77 percent supported passage of the Bill; while 86 percent of the 168 Republican Congressmen supported the Bill.

The Far-Left progressives failed to stop passage of the 1964 Civil Rights and 1965 National Voting Rights Acts so they changed their rhetoric. They reasoned since a Democrat, President Johnson, signed the Civil Rights Bills into Law Democrats could lay claim as “the party of Civil Rights”.

I have news for the African-American community! The Democratic Party throughout its history has had one goal in mind; and that is the control of the black vote no matter the cost! Following the civil war until the 1960’s they used force, intimidation, and voting laws to control the black population and to try to discourage voting.
President Woodrow Wilson, (D) a progressive wrote in his 1890 essay, "Leaders of Men," explained that a "true leader" uses the masses like "tools." He must inflame their passions with little heed for the facts. "Men are as clay in the hands of the consummate leader." Wilson once told a black delegation that "segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen." The Progressive movement had in its beginning the ultimate goal of control over the black population. Progressives understood the importance of the black vote and vowed to use blacks as tools to further the progressive agenda.
Subsequent to President Johnson signing the Civil Rights Bills into Law the Democratic Party regrouped and changed their strategy. They started passing laws that would on the surface seem to assist the African-American population while at its core was meant to keep the Black Community poor and in their place! Like crack-cocaine; the Democrat’s ambition is to get all Blacks addicted to government handouts thus ensuring Blacks would vote Democrat at every election!

You hear it during every election! The Democrat Candidate will get up on his soap-box and warn the Black Community, “The evil Republicans want to take away your welfare checks, your free or subsidized housing, and make you all get jobs” and “The evil Republicans will cut funding to all the vital services you have grown to depend upon”.The Democratic Party takes no prisoners; they will promise everything and deliver nothing! When they fail to deliver they always blame the evil Republicans!

Greed! Do you really believe Reverend Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton want African-Americans to have equal opportunity? These men are motivated by greed and power. Both are in the pocket of the Democrat Political Machine. Jackson and Sharpton preach equality for all Americans regardless of color! I ask, when was the last time either showed up to support a white person or Asian whose civil rights were violated?

Both Sharpton and Jackson pick their battles carefully and always pick events that will champion the Democrat’s “blacks as victims” campaign. They carefully orchestrate demonstrations, rallies, and give wonderful speeches about equality all the while supporting a political party that has as its primary goal of keeping black-men in their place! Jackson and Sharpton are getting filthy-rich and live wonderful lives promoting blacks as victims! Why would they ever want true equality?

United States History being taught in schools today has been rewritten and/or carefully edited to present a progressive view of history. Strange, history books don’t mention that President Lincoln was the first Republican President. The fact that President Lynden B Johnson was a Democrat is pointed out in every paragraph. History books fail to point out that many more Democrats than Republicans in congress opposed passage of the 1960’s Civil Rights Laws. When children read about the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow laws it is not mentioned that Democrats were at the helm of these groups and laws; the history books just say “White Southerners”. Even President Wilson’s hatred for blacks has been revised to make him sound like Mary Poppins.

Next time you hear a debate between a Republican and a Democrat notice which candidate brings up race. It is always the Democrat; when they start to stumble on an issue they seem to always find a way to throw in a racial remark. For example; when a Republican brings up school choice as an alternative option to public schools the democrat will accuse the Republican of being a racist and wanting to cut funding to the poor black intercity schools.

Still not convinced the democrats are using the black community for political gain. In an article in The Washington Times President Obama’s justice department headed by Eric Holder ruled that the town of Kinston N.C. could not have non-partisan elections. “Voters in this small city overwhelmingly voted 2 to 1 to eliminate the (R), (D), and (I) from their ballots. President Obama’s justice department’s position is; without party identification how will Black voters know who to vote for? The Obama administration overruled the electorate and decided that equal rights for black voters cannot be achieved without the Democratic Party.”

According to President Obama African-Americans don’t vote for the best candidate but rather a party! I thought the 1964 civil rights act did away with Jim Crow laws.

Please don’t take my point of view as absolute proof. Do your own research. Seek the truth and support those who truly want a better America for all regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or, pick your issue.

Recently Congresswoman Barbra Boxer made racial remarks towards Mr. Alford the co-founder, CEO/President of the National Black Chamber of Commerce.

(Quote from the National Black Chamber of Commerce’s Website) “Here we were in the Senate Dirksen building participating in a Congressional Hearing on the pending climate legislation known as the Waxman/Markey Bill. This is a gigantic piece of proposed laws, taxes, regulations that will change the way America does business. There are many costs involved and it appears that the African American community will be paying a disproportionate share of the job loss and increased energy costs. No surprise as this is usually the case because we have no political apparatus that addresses that when it happens. The Congressional Black Caucus will go with the flow or, in other words, receive the orders from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and act obediently. If we allow business as usual: we lose.
So, it is with great fervor that the National Black Chamber of Commerce attempts to change this bill or contribute to its demise. The right way to do this is through debate. We got our act together by commissioning a very thorough study on the Waxman/Markey Bill analyzing the economic impact on urban and rural communities. The study done by the reputable Charles River Associates clearly points to our concerns. We, the last hired and first fired, will face the brunt of the costs and there will be little or no benefits achieved for it. So when the time came for me and Senator Barbara Boxer to go face to face about this important issue, she did something that I would have never expected. She began getting racial. Utilizing that old Jim Crow tactic of trying to pit my Black group against another – thus destroying ourselves, she went on an embarrassing rant.
First, she wanted me to attack the NAACP. That didn’t work so then she pulled out the 100 Black Men. Still, I didn’t take the bait. Finally, I went on the offensive and blasted her for her condescending manner replete with racial innuendo. I challenged her to argue against the study not wander off talking about any Black organization that came to her mind. Within a short time, we were yelling at each other on national television and the Internet. In fact, there have been over 500,000 views on YouTube showing the verbal match. Radio shows and television stations have been covering it. Yes, Barbara Boxer showed her racial animus. A persona that probably has not been detected by the general public until now and that is mysterious. Her overall inference was, what is a Black organization doing with a sophisticated study? This is white folks business and I got my Black groups to counter your Black butt. It was Bigotry 101.
This really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Let us remember the political game that brought her into prominence. She is the mastermind behind the “Anita Hill attack Clarence Thomas scenario”. Remember that, it pitted a Black female against a Black male and distracted us from the main issue – his legal talents. This modus operandi (M.O.) also appeared in the 2004 election in Ohio when she went after another Black male, Secretary of State Ken Blackwell using the late Elaine Tubbs Jones to do the fighting. Let us not forget that totally degrading attack on the Honorable Condoleezza Rice. The personal and heartless smears she put on her own constituents were less than moral. Yes, when it comes to Black folks Senator Barbara Boxer turns into a monster. So it is an easy question: Why did Senator Barbara Boxer go racial? That is what racists do. When they get up against the wall, their racial persona takes over and all of the ugly comes out like a gusher.
How does a state like California whose population is over 54% minority have such a person representing them as their Senator? Something is going to have to give. California is in a state of financial ruin and social upheaval. What the people of my native state need is leadership that is inclusive, positive and certainly productive. They need to start looking for new leaders and cultivating a process that will yield good “fruits”.
In my 16 years of testifying before Congress, I have never had to deal with racial animus, direct or indirect, until now. It is a “bump in the road” if we all deal with it now. If we ignore it, it will turn into a cancer and fester throughout our political apparatus to the detriment of America. Former Senator Trent Lott made a verbal slip and paid dearly. What Senator Boxer has done is a major revelation and we must act accordingly. God does not like ugly nor should the American people.”

Barbra Boxer is the perfect example of Democratic Leadership. As long as the Black Man tows the line, does as he is told, and votes Democrat he will be rewarded with welfare payments and the promise of a better future.

What has the Republican Party done for the Black Population in the last 100 years?
Here is a list of Republican Accomplishments for the Black Population. It can’t be denied any longer!
1. 1863 Emancipation Proclamation
2. 1865 The 13th Amendment- Abolishing Slavery
3. 1866 Civil Rights Act of 1866-Ending Slavery
4. 1868 14th Amendment- Giving Citizenship to former slaves
5. 1870 15th Amendment- Right to vote
6. 1871 Civil Rights Act of 1871-Anti KKK Act
7. 1875 Civil Rights Act of 1875- Prohibiting Discrimination in Public Accommodations
8. 1909 NAACP founded by 3 “White” Republicans
9. 1909 Over 200 Anti-Lynching Bills were introduced since that time. They were all defeated by Democrats
10. Democrats reigned supreme in Congress for the entire first half century.
11. 1957 Civil Rights Act of 1957-Established a Civil Rights Commission
12. 1960 Civil Rights Act of 1960-Federal Inspections of Voter Registration Polls
13. 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964-Anti-Discrimination-Written by Everett McKinkley Dirksen
14. 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965-Written by Everett McKinkley Dirksen
15. 1968 Fair Housing Act -Written by Everett McKinkley Dirksen
16. The following is a list of some of the black schools and colleges that were founded by prominent Republicans in the face of opposition from Democrats.
Morehouse College 1867 Atlanta, GA
Howard University 1867 Washington, DC
Spelman College 1881 Atlanta, GA
Shaw University 1865 Raleigh, NC
Fisk University 1866 Nashville, TN
Atlanta University 1867 Atlanta, GA
Virginia Union University 1899 Richmond, VA
Straight University 1869 New Orleans, LA
Talladega College 1867 Talladega, AL
Clark University 1870 Atlanta, GA
Meharry Medical College 1867 Nashville, TN
Morgan College 1867 Baltimore, MD
New Orleans University 1873 New Orleans LA
Philander Smith College 1883 Little Rock AR
Rust College 1883 Holy Spring MS
Samuel Houston College 1900 Austin, TX
Prominent Black Republicans
Michael Steele-RNC Chairman
Martin Luther King Jr.
Frederick Douglass
Justice Clarence Thomas
Thomas Sowell
Dr. Condelezza Rice
Alphonso Jackson
Kenneth Blackwell
Col. Alan West
J.C. Watts
Denzel Washington
Herman Cain
Walter Williams

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The Progressive Left has driven Christ from Christmas in the name of "Tolerance"

Merriam-Webster defines Tolerance as:
1 : capacity to endure pain or hardship : endurance, fortitude, stamina
2 a : sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own b : the act of allowing something : toleration
3 : the allowable deviation from a standard; especially : the range of variation permitted in maintaining a specified dimension in machining a piece

Our schools have banned Christmas in the name of tolerance. Really?

What group or groups are being taught tolerance by the practice of banning Christmas? Atheists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews?

No, if the true goal was to teach tolerance we would invite every religious group to celebrate their holiest of holidays. We would then teach other religious groups to be "Tolerant" of others beliefs.

The true goal of the Progressive Left is to drive all religion from the public square to be replaced by the religion of "Government Control". Look to history; Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union are great examples of this practice! Drive out religion and replace it with Government sponsored programs.

Progressive's do everything in the name of compassion. Or, do they have other plans?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Today President John F Kennedy Would Be A Republican

I believe this to be true!

Today President John F Kennedy Would Be A Republican
By David Hinz - Posted on August 9th, 2009

"A tax cut means higher family income and higher business profits and a balanced federal budget. Every taxpayer and his family will have more money left over after taxes for a new car, a new home, new conveniences, education and investment. Every businessman can keep a higher percentage of his profits in his cash register or put it to work expanding or improving his business, and as the national income grows, the federal government will ultimately end up with more revenues."

Today, one of the valiant heroes of the Democratic Party, President John F Kennedy, could not earn his party's nomination for president -- based upon the principles and ideals upon which he governed. His words above demonstrates how far left the Democratic Party of today has drifted.

President Kennedy was a supply-side economist, cutting the top marginal tax rates [for the wealthy] and bringing about economic prosperity for a decade.


In his tax message to Congress in 1963, Kennedy asked that the top income tax rate be brought down from 91% to 65%. His goal was to reduce all statutory income tax rates by about 30%, including a reduction in the bottom tax rate from 20% to 14%.

"Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government," he told Congress in January of 1963.

"Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power and reduces the incentive for risk, investment and effort – thereby aborting our recoveries and stifling our national growth rate," he told a national television audience in September of 1963.


Today, an income over $300,000 in adjusted gross income would put someone into the top 1%. The equivalent income of $50,000 in 1962, however, put one into just the top 0.2%; that is, the top two-tenths of 1%. To be in the top 1% in 1962, one only needed an income of $25,000. Those with incomes above this level got 14% of the Kennedy tax cut.

"It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now ... Cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus," said President Kennedy in a news conference in 1962.

The increased revenue the government enjoyed from his tax cuts never became a surplus, but was used by his successor, President Lyndon B Johnson, to fund ambitious social programs that have transformed our country to this day -- from a nation of individuals to a collective -- looking toward the federal government for handouts.

President Kennedy understood business, and the necessity of business to be able to make money. Unlike the Democrats of today, he did not demonize those corporations who moved capital off-shore in order to maintain a profit.

"In those countries where income taxes are lower than in the United States, the ability to defer the payment of U.S. tax by retaining income in the subsidiary companies provides a tax advantage for companies operating through overseas subsidiaries that is not available to companies operating solely in the United States. Many American investors properly made use of this deferral in the conduct of their foreign investment," he told Congress in April of 1963.

Instead of demanding that Congress act to penalize those international corporations -- as do Democrats today -- he used those examples as an argument for tax breaks for business.

President Kennedy was strong on national defense -- a warrior unafraid of confronting evil, and defeating it -- a strong departure from the surrender monkeys that have controlled the Democratic Party since the surrender of Saigon and the resulting deaths of millions of our allies.

While still a Senator, John Kennedy gave an impassioned speech to Congress to close the "Missile Gap" between the United States and the Soviet Union.


His ringing call to close the "missile gap" which will face us in the years ahead was termed by Joseph Alsop as "one of the most remarkable speeches on American defense and national strategy that this country has heard since the end of the last war."

When confronted with the imposition of Soviet missiles in Cuba, he stood tough against a clear and present danger to our nation, and forced the USSR to back down. The United States stood upon the bring of war, but the president knew that strength, and not weakness, was the only way to deal with our enemies. President Kennedy apologized to no nation for American strength -- he offered no peace plan to our enemies that would leave this country more vulnerable and less safe.

When the USSR began to isolate Berlin with the building of the Berlin Wall during his presidency, President Kennedy went to Berlin, and gave this message of strength to the German people.


I am proud to come to this city as the guest of your distinguished Mayor, who has symbolized throughout the world the fighting spirit of West Berlin. And I am proud to visit the Federal Republic with your distinguished Chancellor who for so many years has committed Germany to democracy and freedom and progress, and to come here in the company of my fellow American, General Clay, who has been in this city during its great moments of crisis and will come again if ever needed.

Two thousand years ago the proudest boast was "civis Romanus sum." Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is "Ich bin ein Berliner."

I appreciate my interpreter translating my German!

There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world. Let them come to Berlin. There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin. And there are some who say in Europe and elsewhere we can work with the Communists. Let them come to Berlin. And there are even a few who say that it is true that communism is an evil system, but it permits us to make economic progress. Lass' sie nach Berlin kommen. Let them come to Berlin.

Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in, to prevent them from leaving us. I want to say, on behalf of my countrymen, who live many miles away on the other side of the Atlantic, who are far distant from you, that they take the greatest pride that they have been able to share with you, even from a distance, the story of the last 18 years. I know of no town, no city, that has been besieged for 18 years that still lives with the vitality and the force, and the hope and the determination of the city of West Berlin. While the wall is the most obvious and vivid demonstration of the failures of the Communist system, for all the world to see, we take no satisfaction in it, for it is, as your Mayor has said, an offense not only against history but an offense against humanity, separating families, dividing husbands and wives and brothers and sisters, and dividing a people who wish to be joined together.

Can anyone imagine any Democrat leader making such a speech today? I know I cannot.

President Kennedy believed in the content of a man's character, rather than the color of that man's skin. While he was a warrior for civil rights, it was Johnson, not Kennedy that imposed reverse discrimination in the form of Affirmative Action quotas on this nation.

And finally, in his inaugural address on January 20, 1981, President Kennedy said this:


"...we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty....


And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Has any American Democrat spoken words such as these in the last thirty years, and meant them? I think not.

If he were alive today, John F Kennedy would be a Republican.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Curtis &Leroy saw an ad in the Starkville Daily News Newspaper in Starkville , MS. and bought a mule for $100.
The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day.
The next morning the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry, fellows, I have some bad news, the mule died last night."

Curtis &Leroy replied, "Well, then just give us our money back."

The farmer said, "Can't do that. I went and spent it already."

They said, "OK then, just bring us the dead mule."

The farmer asked, "What in the world y'all gonna do with a dead mule?"

Curtis said, "We gonna raffle him off."

The farmer said, "You can't raffle off a dead mule!"

Leroy said, "We shore can! Heck, we don 't hafta tell nobody he's dead!"

A couple of weeks later, the farmer ran into Curtis &Leroy at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store and asked what they ever did with the dead mule?"

They said, "We raffled him off like we said we wuz gonna do."

Leroy said, "Shucks, we sold 500 tickets fer two dollars apiece and made a profit of $898."

The farmer said,"My Lord, didn't anyone complain?"

Curtis said, "Well, the feller who won got upset. So we gave him his two dollars back."

Curtis and Leroy now work for the government.

They're overseeing the Bailout Program.

Limit all US politicians to two terms.
One in office; one in prison.
Illinois already does this!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What if automobile repair shops had to function like a medical facility?

What if automobile repair shops had to function like a medical facility?

Assume you are the owner of an automobile repair facility. You carefully calculate your prices based on your overhead costs, employee wages and benefits, part prices, and other miscellaneous expenses.

At the end of the month you have receipts of $100,000 and expenditures of $94,000 which leaves you with a profit of $6,000. Enough to pay your bills, feed your family and a little left over for savings and entertainment.

What would happen if the government dictated how you managed your business; just like health care? Presently 13 percent of people in the United States do not have health care insurance. Many within this group are young and choose not to have insurance. A little less than half are in the country illegally, and the rest just don’t have coverage for a variety of reasons.

Medicare and Medicaid, both government managed insurance programs presently reimburse health care providers at about 65 percent of cost and represent about 35 percent of doctors clientele.

Let’s apply these numbers to your automobile repair business. Thirteen percent of your customers will not pay for their car care; in this case the total will be $13,000. Thirty-five percent of your customers will reimburse you $22,750 for $35,000 worth of repairs for a net loss of $12,250.

Using the government model your monthly receipts will be $74,750.

What do you have to do to remain in business? You could layoff some employees or raise your prices. You decide to raise your prices; by doing some simple algebra you determine that you must increase your prices by 34 percent to stay in business. The oil change that was $35.00 is now $46.90, and the brake job that was $300.00 will now set a customer back $402.00.

People: Health Care is broken not because of the business model. It is broken because government is passing laws that force businesses (medical facilities) to give away their services.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jounalism has truly died.

With the passing of the great journalist Walter Cronkite we can now officially pronounce the death of American Journalism.

How many Americans knew Mr. Cronkite was a left-leaning card carrying Democrat? Very few if any! Walter understood the role of the press and the power of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Walter Cronkite left his political leanings at home so he could provide America with the truth regardless of the outcome or political fallout.

Today ABC, NBC and CBS have chosen to side politically with the far-left. Fair and Balanced reporting have been cast aside in favor of a Socialist agenda!

We know why Benedict Arnold committed treason. What is more difficult is why Charles Gibson of ABC, Brian Williams of NBC, and Katie Couric of CBS have chosen to follow in Benedict Arnold's footsteps? All are receiving $Millions to host their respective newscasts which could explain their refusal to provide fair reporting. Perhaps all three and the stations they represent have socialist beliefs.

What Americans do understand is that ABC, NBC and CBS have abandoned their responsibility to the public and have violated the true purpose of the First Amendment. In my opinion, a majority of the press has sided with the political left for financial gain and power. All are willing to throw this great country under the bus for their personal benefit.

Rest in peace and God Bless Mr. Cronkite; journalism is going to be missed.

"The press is impotent when it abandons itself to falsehood." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Seymour, 1807.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another Government Failure

The below story is another great example of what happens when our government gets into the business of business. Government's role is not to provide financial services, health care, or any other consumer services.

Here is a list of failed government run enterprises. Social Security; will be financially insolvent in a few more years. Medicare and Medicaid; both will be financially insolvent in a few years. The U.S. Post Office is slowly bleeding itself dry and I am sure will collapse within a few more years. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are both in financial trouble due to mismanagement and government regulations. The School System; show me a school district that isn't crawling on its knees begging to raise taxes while providing poor quality results.

Now our government is going into the auto business following the socialization of the banking system. Do you really believe the government will be able to produce quality automobiles and compete with the foreign car makers? All the while keeping the FAT CAT UNION BOSSES happy.

How about the government takeover of your health care? This should scare you to death!

People; PLEASE wake-up and smell the coffee! Your government is not your friend.

"When the people fear their government there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. " Thomas Jefferson

By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer Deb Riechmann, Associated Press Writer – Wed May 20, 3:12 am ET

WASHINGTON – In an ominous setback, the government agency that insures the pensions of 44 million Americans has amassed a record $33.5 billion deficit — triple what it was just six months ago.

The bleak financial snapshot, in a report obtained by The Associated Press, raises new fears that a federal bailout eventually will be needed for the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. The beleaguered agency is being saddled with the underfunded pension plans of companies going bankrupt in the worst economic slump since the Great Depression.

A rare midyear financial update requested by Congress shows the $11.1 billion deficit the agency posted at the end of its fiscal year on Sept. 30 has swelled by $22.5 billion to its highest level in the agency's 35-year history.

The agency's acting director says, however, that the more than 640,000 people who currently receive PBGC checks need not worry about the deficit.

"We have plenty of money to make those monthly payments promised to them for the near future," Vince Snowbarger said Tuesday. "We're comfortable that for the time being we've got a way to make sure those payments are going to be there. Long term there is going to have to be some resolution of that deficit. I think at some point in time it's going to require congressional attention."

The agency does not insure 401(k) plans, but its fate is important not only to the workers covered by more than 29,000 employer-sponsored benefit pension plans but to all taxpayers who could be asked to foot the bill on a bailout if the agency ever becomes insolvent.

Its balance sheet has taken heavy hits in recent years. Nine of the 10 largest pension plan terminations in its history, including United Airlines, Bethlehem Steel and Kaiser Aluminum, have occurred since 2001. On Tuesday, the PBGC announced that it has assumed responsibility for two pension plans covering about 4,300 workers and retirees of Lenox Group Inc., a bankrupt maker of tableware, giftware and collectibles based in Eden Prairie, Minn.

Created by Congress in 1974, the agency quietly operates in a brick office building a few blocks from the White House. When a company's pension plan is terminated, the agency takes over and pays benefits to the retired workers covered by the plan — although retirees don't always get 100 percent of what their employer promised. The maximum guaranteed amount currently is $54,000 a year for a person retiring at age 65.

Compounding the agency's fiscal problem are investigations into allegations that its former director, Charles E.F. Millard, had inappropriate contacts with three Wall Street firms that recently won multimillion-dollar contracts to advise the agency on a new strategy to invest its assets more heavily in stocks, real estate and private equity rather than more conservative fixed-income treasury securities.

A PBGC inspector general report released last week said that Millard's office had hundreds of phone conversations and e-mails with Wall Street firms bidding for the work at the same time that he was actively evaluating their proposals. In October 2008, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock and JP Morgan won awards to invest up to $2.5 billion of PBGC assets in real estate and private equity in return for up to $100 million more in fees over 10 years.

So far, no agency assets have been transferred to the three firms. Snowbarger said the staff was working with the agency's board of directors to decide whether the contracts being questioned should be terminated.

Millard has denied any wrongdoing, saying his actions were legal and ethical. He has been subpoenaed to testify Wednesday at a Senate Special Committee on Aging hearing on the agency's ability to take over a rising number of underfunded pension plans from companies going bankrupt.

Democratic Sens. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts and Max Baucus of Montana and Republican Sens. Charles Grassley of Iowa and Michael Enzi of Wyoming have asked the inspector general to further investigate phone calls and e-mails that suggest Millard sought help getting a job in the weeks after the contracts were awarded to the Wall Street firms. The House Education and Labor Committee also has opened an investigation into the allegations against Millard.

A flurry of pension plans that have either been terminated or probably will end up being taken over by the PBGC is the largest reason for the agency's rising deficit. Declining interest rates was listed as the second-largest reason for the shortfall. Investment losses from the stock market were only the third contributing factor.

"Despite ongoing deficits, the PBGC has sufficient funds to meet its benefit obligations for many years because benefits are paid monthly — spread over the lifetimes of participants and beneficiaries, not as lump sums," Snowbarger said. "Nevertheless, over the long term, the deficit must be addressed. How soon depends on what happens in the next several years."

The agency is closely monitoring the auto, retail, financial services and health care industries, all in financial distress. The PBGC estimates that pension underfunding in the auto sector alone is $77 billion. "Participants in auto sector pension plans and the other stakeholders of the pension insurance program are at substantial risk of loss if these plans are terminated," Snowbarger said.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama's GE Bailout

Obama’s hidden bailout of General Electric

By: Timothy P. Carney
Examiner Columnist
03/03/09 8:12 PM

While many companies hire lobbyists to win earmarks, General Electric’s unmatched lobbying force has secured a tax increase — or its equivalent — in President Barack Obama’s budget.

Labeled “climate revenues” and totaling $646 billion over eight years, this line item in Obama’s budget has inspired confidence in GE Chief Executive Officer Jeff Immelt. As Immelt put it in a letter this week, he believes that the Obama administration will be a profitable “financier” and “key partner.”

On page 115 of Obama’s fiscal 2010 budget is Table S-2, titled “Effect of Budget Proposals on Projected Deficits.” The chart forecasts the costs of Obama’s spending proposals and the added revenue of his proposed tax increases. It also forecasts, beginning in 2012, billions of dollars a year in “climate revenues.” This budget line, which has struck fear into some lawmakers from coal-dependent states, could spell salvation for GE in these times of uncertainty.

How can Obama generate “climate revenues”? By forcing companies to pay for the right to emit greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.

A tax on greenhouse gas emissions could accomplish this, but Obama’s preferred policy — and the approach embraced by a few congressional bills in recent years — is called “cap and trade.” In short, cap and trade requires businesses to spend “credits” to pay for their emissions. Businesses can buy or sell these credits, and the market — not the government — would directly set the price of a credit. Government would initially auction them off, generating revenue.

GE — a member of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, which advocates cap and trade — leads the push for greenhouse gas restrictions.

In the fourth quarter of 2008 as the company’s stock fell 30 percent, GE spent $4.26 million on lobbying — that’s $46,304 each day, including weekends, Thanksgiving and Christmas. In 2008, the company spent a grand total of $18.66 million on lobbying.

Reviewing their lobbying filings, you might think you were looking at Al Gore’s agenda. GE’s specific lobbying issues included the “Climate Stewardship Act,” “Electric Utility Cap and Trade Act,” “Global Warming Reduction Act,” “Federal Government Greenhouse Gas Registry Act,” “Low Carbon Economy Act,” and “Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act.”

This isn’t altruism or public relations. GE has started a joint venture called Greenhouse Gas Services, which invests in — and hopes to manage the trade in — greenhouse gas credits. But these investments and this trading floor are of basically no use and nearly no value without government restrictions on greenhouse gases.

Hence the lobbying, buttressed by generous campaign contributions: Employees and executives gave $1.35 million to politicians in the past election while GE’s political action committee shelled out $1.55 million. About 64 percent of this $2.9 million went to Democrats, with Obama easily the top recipient of GE money.

Obama’s budget includes the payoff, promising to start a multibillion-dollar greenhouse gas industry by 2012. In a letter this week, GE’S Immelt told shareholders that current events present an “opportunity of a lifetime,” because “capitalism will be ‘reset.’ ”

Immelt wrote: “The interaction between government and business will change forever. In a reset economy, the government will be a regulator; and also an industry policy champion, a financier, and a key partner.”

In short, GE plans to get rich by being one of the government’s closest partners — which it has always been, thanks to its unmatched lobbying efforts.

The environmentalist at this point might respond, “Well, good for GE. if they can get rich while helping the planet, more power to them.” But this ignores important issues. First, restraining greenhouse gas emissions will cost Americans dearly. Gas, electricity and heating prices will all go up. The prices of manufactured and shipped goods will go up. A Clemson University report on similar cap-and-trade proposals forecast a 1 percent decline in he U.S. gross domestic product by 2015 if they were implemented.

There are environmental costs, also, to such a focus on greenhouse gases: Ethanol’s damage to water supplies, soil health and air quality are the fruit of government pushing the product as a climate-friendly fuel.

When the lobbying fingerprints of GE and other well-connected firms are considered, it’s not hard to conclude that the policy that will finally emerge won’t be the one that is best for the planet and least bad for the economy, but the one that is best for General Electric

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama's Math Skills

Robert Gibbs, President Obama's Press Secretary, just a couple of weeks ago said that $8,000,000,000 (8 billion) in earmarks is a miniscule amount. He made this statement defending President Obama's Earmark spending!

Now... Gibbs is trying to convince Americans that $100,000,000 (100 million) is a huge amount of money! This statement being made to defend his boss, (President Obama) and the $100 million Obama is cutting from the federal budget!

For Politicians, let me make this simple... 8,000,000,000 divided by 100,000,000 equals 80! So, lets see, $8 billion is 80 times more than $100 million!

Hummmm... Obama, if in your opinion $8 Billion is minuscule. What term should we apply to $100 Million?

Obama cutting $100 Million from a $4,000,000,000,000 ($4 Trillion) budget compares to a person making $80,000 dollars a year not buying a $2 coke and trying to convince the world he has preformed the biggest cost savings event in history!

Monday, March 23, 2009

AIG Bonuses

Once again Congress screws-up and attempts to cover their tracks by crying wolf!

Congress, the President, and Timothy Geithner all knew about the Bonuses at AIG! AIG contributed millions of dollars to Senator Dodd, President Obama, and many other members of congress during their respective campaigns for office.

The Congress (under Senator Dodds lead) puts a law into the spending bill that would protect the bonuses Pay-back for AIG's campaign support) Signed by the President!

Somehow... the word gets out about the bonuses and they all run for cover! Congress called in the CEO of AIG and treated him like a dog! Both President Obama and Timothy Geithner lie about when they actually knew about the bonuses. Obama, jumps on his plane and runs for cover in California! (His favorite trick; just cut and run; or throw someone under the bus)

Meanwhile... the public is mad as heck, they want blood and threaten AIG employees and their families!

If someone gets hurt... I hope someone brings charges against the members of Congress and the President! THEY CAUSED THIS PROBLEM!

The GOOD! Perhaps in the future, corporations will think twice before running to the Government for help.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Too Big to Fail... Is IAG?

"Too Big To Fail"

What a ironic idea that a company is to big to fail.

If that is really true... how big is too BIG?

If a company can actually become to big to fail should we not as tax-payers limit the size of a business? If in the long run we must use tax-dollars to bail out a failing company because it has become to large to fail; then should we limit the size of business?

NO! I believe in capitalism... if a company makes poor decisions and can not make a profit it should go into Bankruptcy for restructuring. Government Bailouts should never be an option!

So... should we require Ford to split into separate companies (Ford Cars, Ford Trucks, Lincoln, Mercury, and Volvo), General Motors into (Chevy, Pontiac, Buick, Saturn, GMC, Hummer, Cadillac, and Saab)?

I say NO! Government needs to keep its hands out of the PEOPLES business! If a company gets to big to fail then investors need to take this into consideration when investing!

So far we have pumped $170 Billion (taxpayer dollars) into IAG. So tell me what we have avoided... if the company would have been allowed to file Chapter 11 last fall the company would have been split up into profitable sections and failing sections and sold off or allowed to resume business! It would have cost investors some money; but hasn't it cost us all $170 Billion ($1500 per U.S. household not including the interest payments to come).

I believe our Government is playing Politics with our money! The politicians are totally in the pockets of BIG Business and the politicians are repaying BIG Business for their political support! IGA donating millions of dollars to political campaigns is like buying Insurance! (Now that is Ironic).

Until our Politicians and Business Leaders adopt the nine principles and 12 values that WE AMERICANS live by they will continue to make unethical decisions!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hamas and our Tax Dollars...

Again, Obama and the Dems have no idea how the real world works. Obama gives hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild the Gaza Strip following its destruction by Israel. Which Israel had every right to do in its defense.

So, Hamas will get millions of dollars.. (they are the ruling party) and they are going to rebuild homes and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip... right!

Obama, why not cut out the middle-men (Iran, Syria, North Korea and Russia) and just purchase AK-47's, rockets, bullets, mines, and heck why not throw in a couple of F-22's as well.

To think Hamas will use Americans Tax Dollars for rebuilding is just plain STUPID!

Obama... are you for real? Or, are you really an undercover Muslim trying to bring down Israel and the United States?

Looking at your actions to date... it seems you are not on our side! You have put the final spear into the heart of out economy, you have grown government at a pace never dreamed of, you have added millions to the welfare roles, you attack big business and the rich daily, your staff are all tax cheats, everything you said during your campaign have turned out to be lies(raising taxes, no earmarks, security, support for Israel, transparency, bi-partisanship), you have put us in so much debt that our children and grand-children will suffer... shall I go on?

Tell me where I am wrong!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Class Warfare

Obama wrote. "There's nothing wrong with making money, but there is something wrong when we allow the playing field to be tilted so far in the favor of so few."

These few, Obama is referring to graduated from high school, went to college, have MBA's or went on to Medical or Law schools. These people, which represent 2 percent of the U.S. tax-paying population pays 59.9 percent of the tax bill.

So... lets pretend for a moment that this 2 percent of the population decided to move to another country... what then? Yes, I know this isn't going to happen... but, what if it did? This country would go broke in a few months!

The rich under Obama's plan will pay 39.9 percent of the tax bill!

Along with these people would go much of this countries wealth, jobs, and future growth!

The LEFT needs to stop this class warfare crap now.

The poor should be grateful we have people that went to medical school, dental school, started businesses, etc. For without them, there would be no WELFARE!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama's Speech

As usual, Obama came across as if he were an Angel sent from above. As long as he sticks to the teleprompter he wins the hearts and souls of the uninformed.

But, like his political speeches during his campaign he is making promises that he has no intention on keeping.

Look at his track record... he promised transparency and we received closed door negotiations, he promised to keep lobbyists out of his administration yet Obama's cabinet is filled with former lobbyists, he promised honesty and we have tax cheats throughout his administration, he keeps promising "responsible spending" and we just funded millions of dollars on the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse in the San Francisco Bay area, he promised no earmarks yet the spending bill just passed is filled with earmarks.

Obama resembles a political character in a cheesy classic movie... "I promise a car in every garage and a rose garden in every yard." Everyone should know that these are hollow promises.

To use Obama's own retoric... "These are Only Words"

Rick Smiley

Global Warming?

My friends, the above website is impressive and well thought out! Unlike Al Gores data that is based on a political agenda and fear. This website offers well thought out theories supported by REAL data.

Please take a look and decide for yourself.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Conservative Values and the GOP

I am finding it difficult to swallow the GOP's resent return to Conservative Small Government values.

During the Bush administration my party went along with the increase in spending and growth of government. Where was the GOP then... where were their "Values".

It makes me mad as heck to see the GOP's fighting for small government NOW! Do you know how silly this makes you look? It makes you look partisan..... PERIOD!

Either you have Conservative values or not! Just because the sitting president is one of your own doesn't make it is alright to support his spending habits if they go against your Values!

Get it?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Obama is going to Slash Bush's Debt by half!

Update March 23rd: the debt is now 11,039,686,130,898.10

Again... Obama is using smoke and mirrors to shield himself from the truth!

On Obama's inauguration day the Federal budget was $10.6 Trillion. (Check for yourself at

Today, Obama tells the world he is going to SLASH the deficit by half by the end of his first term.

Well.... Obama is using a PRETEND number he grabbed from the air. If he really intends to slash the debt by half he needs to use the true figure.

Opps... since His inauguration Obama has added to the National Debt, it is now $10.8 Trillion. Again, check for yourself at the above website!

Obama... I realize truth and transparency are only "Words", but how about the truth for once!

As a fiscally conservative person I am all for reducing our nations debt! Obama, I am behind you in the effort of reducing our debt... but, don't throw out numbers that are meaningless just so down the road you cab toot your horn saying you reduced our debt for POLITICAL gain only!

So.. I challenge you President Obama to tell the truth and to reduce the actual debt by half! So far all you have done is add to the historically out of control problem... you point your finger at Bush, but you have added more to the nations debt at a pace that is unimaginable! (agin, just graph it)

So using the real debt, the national debt should be $5.4 Trillion at the end of your first term if you truely want to reduce it by half!

Anyone want to place a bet on Obama's success? I am willing to give you 100 to 1 odds that he can't reduce the debt to $5.4 Trillion! PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS! I have two mortgages to pay!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Open Letter to Reverend Al Sharpton

Reverend Sharpton, As an American, I am sick and tired of you and your race baiters going out and stirring up trouble.

The Cartoon in the New York Post of a monkey being shot by two police officers is not an attack against President Obama as you claim. The picture is clearly making the statement that even a monkey can do Congress's job! For your information, Obama didn't even write the Bill... it was Nancy Pelosi and her cronies in Congress!

America will never take you, Reverend Sharpton, seriously until you come to the defense of a white person, a Hispanic, an Asian or other nationality other than African Americans. All you do is show up and throw gasoline on a fire! You preach equality... but you are the first to look the other way when it doesn't fit your racially motivated agenda. Don't we all deserve defense when our civil rights are violated? Or, is the civil rights movement a black cause only?

It is on you to show leadership in the civil rights arena. Put your actions where your mouth is; prove to America that civil rights is a color blind issue!

Where were you when the below pictures of President Bush were distributed? By the way, these are just a few of the thousands available. Why didn't you rush to Bush's defense? Because he is white? A conservative? A Republican?

Reverend, sorry but you just look foolish to most Americans! I know... I must be a racist for having an opinion that goes against yours or challenging a black person in general!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your Government... Your Friend! Really?

Once again our Government has found a way to step on capitalism. In a new law intended to protect children will actually result in the loss of thousands if not millions of jobs!

The law sets Lead-content limits: "Starting on February 10, 2009, consumer products intended for children 12 and under cannot have more than 600 parts per million [PPM] of lead in any accessible part" (quoted from the CPSC Enforcement Policy).

Manufacturers and re-sellers must certify that all items for sale have been tested at an government certified testing facility. This testing will cost thousands of dollars and will put many small and big business owners out of business.

The poor lady down the street that makes items for children and sells them at craft fairs will be out of business. She won't be able to pay for the testing! This woman that worked hard squeaking out a meager living won't be able to feed and clothe her children; another family on welfare!

Motorcycle dealers have been forced to remove small bikes and 4-wheelers from their showrooms already because they can't prove every part on the bike meets the new standard.

How about Goodwill Industries? They resell used toys and children's items... I guess they are out of business!

Will we be able to buy anything child related?

Makes me wonder how I survived childhood. The damn government wasn't there protecting me from big bad business.

Well kids... next Christmas will bring you sticks and stones! Well, tress and rocks have been known to have small levels of lead! A lump of coal is out, I am sure coal must contain small amounts of lead!

Thanks Obama... is this the Change you promised!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Budget Shortfalls

When our government is faced with budget shortfalls why do the working people always get the shaft?

Take California for instance. The state has a $42 billion shortfall and the democratically lead political machine has been unable to come up with solutions.

So, like clockwork, the politicians remedy is to lay-off 20,000 government workers! Don't misunderstand me, I believe the government workforce is over-paid, too large, and not very productive when compared to their civilian counterparts! But, in their defense they do get up and go to work.

Never do we see "Benefits" reduced.... why is it perfectly fine for a woman on "WELFARE" with six children to give birth to eight additional children?... Who is on the hook to care for these 14 children? The unemployed mother? No, you and I! By the time these children reach the age of 18 we the tax-payers will have paid out millions of dollars caring for these children.

How about the millions of dollars being spent on the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse in the San Francisco Bay area? The "Stimulus Bill" grants millions of dollars to this little rodent! NOT A JOB CREATING PROJECT!

Hummmm... a mouse lives about 3 years! So, if Darwin is correct this little mouse should be evolving at a pace 24 times that of man! Why doesn't this little guy just adapt to his environment, or grow wings and fly away? You on the left... is Darwin wrong?

I believe we must care for the environment,,, but we go to far!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." from our Declaration of Independence.

Simple said, we all have the right to do what makes us happy! So, if your goal in live is to have 14 children this is fine, but you should be able to support these children! If you want to sit on your rear all day long, fine, but don't expect a handout... you better have the bank-roll to support this choice!

My fellow Americans... it is time to care for Americans! Those that have chosen to live a Campaign and Caviar live on a Welfare budget must pay the price for poor decisions! Americans that get up and go to work, pay taxes and play by the rules should be rewarded with a government that puts us first and foremost! Call and Write your elected officials every day and tell them so!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Today, President Obama via his Press Secretary said that unemployment will not reach 10 percent!

I believe unemployment will reach 10 percent and beyond. A spending bill like the one passed by the democrats will not stimulate the economy. Giving people additional welfare benefits while ignoring tax incentives for small and big business is stupid!

Obama, it may buy you votes to give the unemployed additional weeks of unemployment benefits, but benefits don't make jobs! Businesses make jobs!

America... if you want to see where we are heading as a nation look to California. California for decades has governed under the socialized model and see where they are today. High employment, budget shortfall of $42 billion dollars. The democratic lead law-makers are now trying to raise taxes!

What is going to happen in California... business and individuals will abandon the state due to the excessive tax rate. The state will see additional decline in its revenue as people and businesses run, those on welfare will continue to demand more government assistance and finally the state will go bankrupt!

This is the same model President Obama and the Democrats in Congress are using. How long before we see double digit unemployment, home interest rates in the double digits, inflation of 8 to 10 percent, and tax rates like those during the Carter years?

Tell me I am wrong!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Obama, another lie! What would Lincoln do?

During Obama's campaign, he clearly labeled "Middle-Class" as those earning $250,000 or less.

The Pork Bill has the following provisions:

- Obama’s plan to give workers a break on payroll taxes was cut back. It went from $500 to $400 for individuals and from $1,000 to $800 for couples. Individuals earning $75,000 and couples earning $140,000 are ineligible.

- There will still be tax breaks for buying a new car, but it will be harder to qualify and the total money available dropped from $11.5 billion to $2 billion, The Wall Street Journal reports. On the other hand, reports the measure allows those who buy a vehicle this year to deduct the state sales and excise taxes, as long as the buyer earns less than $125,000 per year.

Funny, just a couple days ago Obama was on his soapbox telling America on national television how the middle class was hurting. How the middle-class needed action now to prevent a catastrophe.

Even Prince Harry and Princess Nancy kept to the talking points with the "Helping the Middle-class" was their top priority! Funny, I thought funding condoms was Princess Nancy's top issue!

IF Obama was a man of his word and had even a little integrity, "Like Lincoln, the President Obama is trying to emulate" he would veto the bill and send it back! Why, HE MADE A PROMISE TO CARE FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS AND THIS BILL LEAVES OUT MILLIONS OF MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS.

Will Obama be true to his word? Easy answer... NO!

Obama is no Lincoln! Obama, is a hollow-man with no soul! He will throw anyone from the bus to promote his socialist agenda including millions of those he sought support.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What Planet are we living on?

A woman with six children goes to a fertility clinic and has 8 embryos implanted. Nine months later she gives birth to eight premature children.

This woman has no job or other means to care for her 14 children. She and her children are now dependent on you and I for the care and "welfare" of her family. Over the next 18 years we the tax-payers are going to be on the hook for millions of dollars.

A 15 year old girl gets pregnant. Drops out of high school to care for her child. By the age of 20 this same girl has three additional children, is married to her high school sweetheart who is also a high school drop-out.

These two love-birds sit at home all day long smoking "his" prescription marijuana, in their "free" government home, eating junk food purchased with food stamps, watching their 42" plasma TV purchased with welfare money while their children drink Mountain Dew all day long. (real people I know of in Oregon)

Obama gets in front of this nation and tells us that the time has come to take "RESPONSIBILITY"... does this only apply to the working class of this nation? Are high school drop outs, drug addicts, tax cheats, politicians, and malingerers exempt from taking "RESPONSIBILITY" for their actions?

Perhaps I need to show up at Obama's next press conference and beg for a brand new Range Rover and a CEO position at a major corporation... It is becoming apparent "to the working class" that Obama and his cronies want to establish a permanent class of people dependent on the government! With dependency comes votes! So Obama, if I vote Democrat will I get my Range Rover and CEO job?

People, please wake up before it is to late! Our government is raping our nation. The Trillions of dollars they are printing and borrowing must be repaid with interest in the future. Not to mention the $50 trillion dollar medicare and social security bill that is coming due in the next decade as baby-boomers retire. The "working classes" tax rate will be 70 to 80 percent after paying local, state and federal taxes! There will be no incentive to work when the majority of your paycheck will go towards social programs!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Are Auto Workers Overpaid???

I am not a fan of University Professors due to their being mostly a bunch of left-wing socialists that pollute our children's minds with half-truths and Stalinist Ideals. But, with that being said, a university professor should earn 2 to 3 times times that of an United Auto Worker! At least the professor had the fortitude to stay in school!

We need people to assemble autos, but lets be honest, this is not brain surgery!

According to Forbes;

UAW Labor cost per hour, wages and benefits for hourly workers, 2006.

Ford: $70.51 ($141,020 per year)

GM: $73.26 ($146,520 per year)

Chrysler: $75.86 ($151,720 per year)

Toyota, Honda, Nissan (in U.S.): $48.00 ($96,000 per year)

According to AAUP and IES, the average annual compensation for a college professor in 2006 was $92,973 (average salary nationally of $73,207 + 27% benefits).

Bottom Line: The average UAW worker with a high school degree earns 57.6% more compensation than the average university professor with a Ph.D. (see graph above, click to enlarge), and 52.6% more than the average worker at Toyota, Honda or Nissan.

Many industry analysts say the Detroit Three, and especially Ford, must be on par with Toyota and Honda to survive. This year's contract, they say, must be "transformational" in reducing pension and health care costs.

What would "transformational" mean? One way to think about: "transformational" would mean that UAW workers, most with a high school degree, would have to accept compensation equal to that of the average university professor with a Ph.D.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Obama's Finance Advisor!

The great American company General Electric is losing value and is failing!

October 2007 the price of a share of GE stock was $41.77, yesterday it was trading in the $10 range.

The far-left CEO Jeffery Immelt mismanaged his company and last Fall had to beg our government for a $140 billion bailout.

TODAY... President Obama invited Jeffery Immelt to be part of his economic advising team.

HUMMMMM... again, I am not the smartest tack in the box. BUT.... is a person that is driving his company into bankruptcy and had to beg for a bailout the right person to advise on economic policy?

Side Note; GE owns NBC! Also known as the National Barrack Channel. GE is a major manufacturer of Wind Power Generators (and Obama is promising to spend billions of tax-payer dollars on wind power). Can you spell "C.O.N.F.L.I.C.T O.F. I.N.T.E.R.E.S.T." Is this the CHANGE Obama promised?


Contrast the actions of the U.S Airline's pilot "Skully" with those of our 44th President Obama and the partisan speech he gave the evening of 5 February.

Skully displayed professionalism, skill and confidence. Those around him during the events leading up to the plane landing in the Hudson River felt comforted and hopeful.

Last night, Obama left the citizens feeling that life was over and our great nations prosperity was at an end. The message I heard was that if you had different views than Obama you were part of the problem, not the cure.

Obama, in front of the world pointed his finger at the Bush administration. "I found this mess when I showed up." Obama went on to blame Republicans because Republicans believe this is a spending plan and not a stimulus plan. He frightened Americans and gave Americans even more reason to dig-in and stop spending.

Imagine if you can General Eisenhower addressing his troops prior to the invasion of Normady and making statements like... "We have to do this because of the leadership prior to my arrivial" or "I know it looks bad, and it is... thousands of you are going to die because of rushed planning" or "you Americans are ready because you worked hard and have the proper equipment, unlike the British who are lazy and their leaders don't agree with this plan"

Leaders must lead. They take responsibility. They lead by example. They must instill confidence. They never disenfranchise part of their membership. They must be the catalyst that binds all members to a common goal. Finally, They never discipline or talk-down to a subordinate in public!

Skully was a leader! Obama sounded like a child not getting his way!

One last word... Obama grow up!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What is being done to repower the U.S.?

Below is a list of hydroelectric and nuclear power plants under construction worldwide. While every other country is taking the world's energy crisis seriously, what is the United States doing?

Note the number of power generating programs under construction in the United States!!! ZERO!

Our elected officials are doing everything in their power to bankrupt this country. Without power we will gradually become a third world country!

The big lie... wind and solar power will be the answer to our energy needs. Do you have any idea how many wind-generators and/or solar panels it will take just to replace our aging nuclear reactors? We may not have enough land!!!

Yes... our current inventory of nuclear power plants will soon be shut down due to age!

How many Nuclear Power plants are in the $900 Billion "Stimulus" Plan? Zero....

How much funding for Wind and Sun Research? Billions!

During the Campaign Obama said he was in favor of nuclear power... Really?


Name Capacity Country Scheduled completion

Three Gorges Dam 22,500 MW China 2009

Xiluodu Dam 12,600 MW China 2015

Xiangjiaba Dam 6,400 MW China 2015

Longtan Dam 6,300 MW China 2009

Nuozhadu Dam 5,850 MW China 2017

Jinping 2 Hydropower 4,800 MW China 2014

Laxiwa Dam 4,200 MW China 2010

Xiaowan Dam 4,200 MW China 2012

Jinping 1 Hydropower 3,600 MW China 2014

Pubugou Dam 3,300 MW China 2010

Goupitan Dam 3,000 MW China 2011

Guanyinyan Dam 3,000 MW China 2015

Boguchan Dam 3,000 MW Russia 2012

Chapetón 3,000 MW Argentina Unknown

Dagangshan 2,600 MW China 2014

Jinanqiao Dam 2,400 MW China 2010

Guandi Dam 2,400 MW China 2012

Liyuan Dam 2,400 MW China 2008

Tocoma Dam Bolívar State 2,160 MW Venezuela 2014

Ludila Dam 2,100 MW China 2015

Bureya Dam 2,010 MW Russia 2009

Shuangjiangkou Dam 2,000 MW China 2007

Ahai Dam 2,000 MW China 2006

Lower Subansiri Dam 2,000 MW India 2009

Red Sea dam 50,000 MW Middle East Unknown

Grand Inga 40,000 MW D/P Congo Unknown

Baihetan Dam 12,000 MW China 2015

Wudongde Dam 7,500 MW China 2015

Maji Dam 4,200 MW China 2013

Songta Dam 4,200 MW China 2013

Liangjiaren Dam 4,000 MW China 2015

Jirau Dam 3,300 MW Brazil 2012

Pati Dam 3,300 MW Argentina Unknown

Santo Antônio Dam 3,150 MW Brazil 2012

Lianghekou Dam 3,000 MW China 2015

Lower Churchill 2,800 MW Canada 2014

Changheba Dam 2,200 MW China 2015

Banduo 1 Dam 2,000 MW China 2009


Start Operation* REACTOR TYPE MW

2008 India, Rawatbhata 5 PHWR 202

2008 India, Kaiga 4 PHWR 202

2009 India, Kudankulam 1 PWR 950

2009 India, Rawatbhata 6 PHWR 202

2009 Iran, Bushehr 1 PWR 950

2009 Canada, Bruce A1 PHWR 769

2009 Russia, Volgodonsk 2 PWR 950

2009 Japan, Tomari 3 PWR 912

2009 India, Kudankalam 2 PWR 950

2010 China, Lungmen 1 ABWR 1300

2010 Canada, Bruce A2 PHWR 769

2010 Korea, Shin Kori 1 PWR 1000

2010 China, Lingao 3 PWR 1080

2010 Argentina, Atucha 2 PHWR 692

2010 Russia, Severodvinsk PWR x 2 70

2011 India, Kalpakkam FBR 470

2011 China, Lungmen 2 ABWR 1300

2011 Russia, Kalinin 4 PWR 950

2011 Korea, Shin Kori 2 PWR 1000

2011 China, Qinshan 6 PWR 650

2011 China, Lingao 4 PWR 1080

2011 Pakistan, Chashma 2 PWR 300

2011 Russia, Kursk 5 RBMK 1000

2012 Finland, Olkiluoto 3 PWR 1600

2012 China, Qinshan 7 PWR 650

2012 Korea, S Wolsong 1 PWR 1000

2012 France, Flamanville 3 PWR 1630

2012 Russia, Beloyarsk 4 FBR 750

2012 Japan, Shimane 3 PWR 1375

2012 Russia, Nov 6 PWR 1070

2012 Slovakia, Mochovce 3 PWR 440

2012 China, Hongyanhe 1 PWR 1080

2012 China, Ningde 1 PWR 1080

2013 China, Sanmen 1 PWR 1100

2013 China, Ningde 2 PWR 1080

2013 Krea, Shin Wolsong 2 PWR 1000

2013 Russia, Leningrad 5 PWR 1070

2013 Russia, Nov 7 PWR 1070

2013 Russia, Volgodonsk 3 PWR 1070

2013 Korea, Shin Kori 3 PWR 1350

2013 China, Hongyanhe 2 PWR 1080

2013 China, Yangjiang 1 PWR 1080

2013 China, Taishan 1 PWR 1700

2013 China, Shidaowan HTR 200

2013 China, Fangjiashan 1 PWR 1000

2013 China, Fuqing 1 PWR 1000

2013 Japan, Fukishima I-6 ABWR 1350

2013 Slovakia, Mochovce 4 PWR 440

2014 China, Sanmen 2 PWR 1100

2014 China , Haiyang 1 PWR 1100

2014 China, Ningde 3 PWR 1080

2014 China , Yangjiang 2 PWR 1080

2014 China, Hongyanhe 3 PWR 1080

2014 China, Fangjiashan 2 PWR 1000

2014 China, Fuqing 2 PWR 1000

2014 Korea, Shin-Kori 4 PWR 1350

2014 Japan, Power Ohma ABWR 1350

2014 Bulgaria, Belene 1 PWR 1000

2014 Russia, Leningrad 6 PWR 1200

2014 Russia , Volgodonsk 4PWR 1200

2014 Japan, Fukishima I-7 ABWR 1080

2015 Romania, Cernavoda 3PHWR 655

2015 Japan, Higashidori 1 ABWR 1080

Some further power reactors planned or on order

2015 Bulgaria, Belene 2 PWR 1000

2016 Japan, Higashidori 2 ABWR 1320

2014 Japan, Tsuruga 3 & 4 APWR 1500

2016 Japan, Kaminoseki 1 ABWR 1373

2017 Korea, Shin-Ulchin 1-2APR-1400 1350

2014 Japan, Higashidori 2 ABWR 1320

2015 Slovenia, Krsko 2 PWR? 1000?