Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Too Big to Fail... Is IAG?

"Too Big To Fail"

What a ironic idea that a company is to big to fail.

If that is really true... how big is too BIG?

If a company can actually become to big to fail should we not as tax-payers limit the size of a business? If in the long run we must use tax-dollars to bail out a failing company because it has become to large to fail; then should we limit the size of business?

NO! I believe in capitalism... if a company makes poor decisions and can not make a profit it should go into Bankruptcy for restructuring. Government Bailouts should never be an option!

So... should we require Ford to split into separate companies (Ford Cars, Ford Trucks, Lincoln, Mercury, and Volvo), General Motors into (Chevy, Pontiac, Buick, Saturn, GMC, Hummer, Cadillac, and Saab)?

I say NO! Government needs to keep its hands out of the PEOPLES business! If a company gets to big to fail then investors need to take this into consideration when investing!

So far we have pumped $170 Billion (taxpayer dollars) into IAG. So tell me what we have avoided... if the company would have been allowed to file Chapter 11 last fall the company would have been split up into profitable sections and failing sections and sold off or allowed to resume business! It would have cost investors some money; but hasn't it cost us all $170 Billion ($1500 per U.S. household not including the interest payments to come).

I believe our Government is playing Politics with our money! The politicians are totally in the pockets of BIG Business and the politicians are repaying BIG Business for their political support! IGA donating millions of dollars to political campaigns is like buying Insurance! (Now that is Ironic).

Until our Politicians and Business Leaders adopt the nine principles and 12 values that WE AMERICANS live by they will continue to make unethical decisions!

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