Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Main Stream Media in the Tank. The case against OBAMA

Main Stream Media is in the tank for Obama! REALLY!

I have been monitoring NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN to see what they report and how they are spinning Obama's and Biden's latest comments. NO MENTION or glossed over as a far-right hate crime.

Americans... you owe it to yourselves, your children, grandchildren and this great country to know the truth. Please, before you vote for Obama on emotion alone tune into FOX News for a few hours to get the real story. FOX Gives all sides to an issue an opportunity to speak and make their respective cases.

Obama tells the truth! He is a Socialist; he makes this statement in his books, during numerous interviews from the 1990's and early 2000's, and most recently to Joe the Plumber and then again during an interview not a week ago. America is not a Socialist country like Cuba or Russia. We believe in hard work and the opportunity to get ahead. Obama wants to take your hard work and give it away to those that chose not to work to get ahead.

Biden tells the truth! Obama is not ready to lead and America will face evil squarely in the face if Obama is President! Bidin went on to say that Obama will respond to a global crisis but it will be the wrong response!

Yes,,, the economy is bad! BUT, remember the Jimmy Carter years... interest on a home was over 20 percent, unemployment was over 18 percent in some states and was 12 percent nationally. Inflation was in the teens! The economy in the mid to late 70's was terrible. If you are young... do your homework and look for yourself!

Funny! Senators Clinton and Biden both said during the Democratic run for the Presidential nomination that Obama was NOT READY to lead! Both said, he would lead this country down the path of destruction! Again, don't believe me... look for yourself!

Obama's Friends! ALL have been thrown under the bus! Enough said!

If Obama were applying for a Top Secret clearance in the military he would be denied the clearance! Too many radical friends and shady financial dealings! I know... I had and worked with people every day that had Top Secret clearances. And I saw those that were denied a clearance and the reason for denial! Some were denied just because they had a high school buddy that was a little shady! Do we want a President that doesn't qualify for a Top Secret clearance commanding our troops?

CHANGE is not necessarily a good thing! Not when it means Spreading the Wealth (Socialism) or attacking your citizens for expressing their opinions (Communism), or promising to override the United States Constitution with liberal judges because you believe the document is flawed (Didn't Hitler make this same assertion about Germany's Constitution?).

Do we want a President that attacks its citizens and Media for asking difficult questions? Joe the Plumber asked a question and he was tar and feathered by Obama's Campaign and the Obama Lead Media. A Orlando Newswoman asked far questions and was also attacked by the Obama machine! I would expect this reaction in the Soviet Union or Communist China not America! What does this tell you about an Obama Presidency? Is free speech done? What next, a one way trip to a federal prison?

Please... don't vote against Bush because you are mad! Vote for the candidate that will keep you safe and will protect you from tyranny. We are America! Lets join together and do whats best for our country!

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