Monday, December 29, 2008

Lowe's Hates Christans BUT Loves Their Money!

The below story makes me mad as heck! I have remodeled two homes over the past four years and plan to do a few more when the economy improves. I have spent 10's of thousands of dollars at Lowes. NO LONGER! I REFUSE TO SUPPORT THOSE THAT HATE CHRISTAN'S.

Funny, Lowe's is more than happy to sell me Christmas Trees, Lights, and other Christmas related items but will not allow its employees to wear a pin!

6 News Anchor/Reporter

NEWPORT (WATE) -- A Cocke County woman says she was fired just days before Christmas because of the way she was spreading Christmas cheer.

Kristie Sutton, a former Lowe's Home Improvement store employee, says it was all because of a pin she wore to work.

"It's called Christmas, for Christ's sake," the pin says.

When Sutton admired the pin being worn by a customer, the stranger gave it to her. Neither knew its message would mean trouble for the cashier.

"I wore it for a couple of weeks before one of the employees came and said to me, 'I need to ask you to take your pin off,'" Sutton explained.

Sutton says she didn't remove it immediately. Instead, she pleaded her case to the human resources manager.

"I asked him why they could sell Christmas products, sell nativity scenes," she said, "but I couldn't wear a Christian pin?"

Sutton says she was told because of store policy, no one would be allowed to wear a pin supporting a religion.

When Sutton returned from lunch that day, she says, she was fired. "The operations manager called me in his office and said, 'We don't need you to stay. You don't have to work out a notice, we just need you to go."

Sutton admits she was already looking for another job and had planned to put in a two weeks' notice after Christmas. But she says she's upset about missing her holiday pay.

She's also saddened by the message her firing gives. "What's so offensive about God? What's so offensive about the word Jesus? What makes us so afraid to let people say that?"

Though Lowe's won't explain why Sutton was fired, several employees told 6 News they believe she was fired because of the pin. They expressed support support of her, but they didn't want to go on camera for fear of losing their jobs.

In response, Lowe's public relations executive Karen Cobb released a statement to 6 News, saying:

"Personnel matters are confidential, so we're unable to share any information; however, Lowe's follows all federal, state and local laws governing employment including laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of religion."

Lowe's also says its employees may wish customers Merry Christmas if they like.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Obama Points ... but in the wrong direction again!

"More broadly, Obama blamed regulators for the financial debacle, saying they "dropped the ball." Regulators, he said, "have been asleep at the switch."

The president-elect said his new team will help put in place new rules that will help "crack down on the culture of greed and scheming."" (AP)

What role did Barney Frank and Chris Dodd Play? And don't forget the Democratic Party fighting regulation when it was brought to their attention (by the Prepublican party) that Fannie Mae was in big trouble many years ago?

See... Obama is just like the rest of the Political Elites! Points a guilty finger out into space and says it is not my or our fault!

Obama... forcing Banks to lend to people that can't repay their loans is stupid! So, I guess I must be calling you, Franks and Dodd stupid!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yes.. there is a Santa ! Just ask Obama.

"A senior adviser to President-elect Barack Obama defended chief of staff Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday for his contacts with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's office about filling Obama's Senate seat." (AP)

If anyone truly believes that Obama and/or his kool-aid drinking disciples didn't contact Gov. Blagojevich regarding Obama's open senate seat... well then you are either totally brainwashed or in need of an oil change!

Tell me... why wouldn't Obama have an interest in who was placed in his vacant seat?

Obama is going to have to work closely with this person to pass his far-left agenda! He wouldn't want a moderate!

SO PLEASE... don't insult my in intelligence by telling me Obama didn't speak to the Governor about his vacant post.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Auto Bailout - Letter to Congress

Ever hear of Chapter 11? If filling Chapter 11 is good enough for the airline industry then it is good enough for the auto industry!

Stop trying to buy votes by catering to the UAW! Union auto workers are over-paid by about $10 an hour! A person at Burger King works as hard or harder than an auto worker at the UAW and the auto worker receives much greater compensation.

What would happen to McDonald's if they had to pay its employees $10 an hour more than Burger King, Wendy's and Jack in the Box? McDonald's would go broke! Same is true in the auto making industry! The big three can not compete with Honda, Nissan and BMW while providing wages not in line with going free market wage rate!

If you truly care about jobs and not votes at the BIG THREE then you must make them competitive with the foreign auto makers making autos here in America! CUT THE WAGES OF ALL UAW EMPLOYEES BY A THIRD!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Unions... A Socialist Concept!

Ford and GM have established production facilities in China, India, Thailand, Brazil, Mexico and other low-labor-cost countries. Why?

Why would a United States of America corporation produce automobiles overseas? Survival!

China pays its factory workers $2 to $3 dollars an hour compared to a United Auto Workers $30 to $40 when including benefits. So, lets pretend for a moment that U.S. automakers are in the business to make money; OHHH, they are!

Now lets look at Federal tax rates businesses pay to have the privilege of providing jobs to their citizens. The U.S. has the second highest Corporate tax rate in the world! China, India, Brazil, and Mexico have the lowest!

Now lets pretend for a moment you are the CEO of Ford or GM and you must make a profit or close the doors! What do you do? Again, easy answer; move production overseas!

The Democrat (liberal) solution to this crisis is to raise corporate taxes and to back the UAW; demanding higher wages and benefits for UAW members. Democrats blame BIG BUSINESS and Republicans for sending jobs overseas (buzz-word; outsourcing). When it is Democrat and its Union Buddies that forced the jobs overseas in the first place!

Republicans on the other hand want to lower the tax rate and demand that auto workers (UAW) give back in order to save U.S. jobs!

I have toured an automobile plant! Building autos on a production line is not rocket science! Sorry UAW, but the truth is; a guy at McDonalds flipping hamburgers or a member of the United States Military works three times harder than you do! What specialized training is there to turn a screw?

What would the price of a hamburger be if McDonalds had to pay its employees $30 an hour? Or, the annual budget of our military if they got paid $30 and hour plus overtime!

Enough said! Unions had their day in the sun! We needed unions in the 20's and 30's to stand up for the small guy! Not today! We have enough laws and oversight in place to protect workers from the tyranny of greedy corporations!

If we continue to force unions down the throats of BIG BAD BUSINESS the democrats may get what they wish for! France! No jobs, no productivity, no innovation; just a bunch of people sitting at cafe tables complaining about their government handouts!

We have a choice America. Hard work for a fair paycheck or sipping lattes while reading about China's, Mexico's, India's, Brazil's and Thailand's booming economies!

I have advice for the Auto Makers! Just say no! Next time the UAW strikes for higher wages, just close the plant and move production to Mexico! This will make the Democrats happy! More people on unemployment or welfare which means another vote in their pocket!

If I owned a business and my employees wanted to unionize; Simple, I would close the door! If my employees were unwilling to work for the market value of their efforts then they deserve to be unemployed! We call it CAPITALISM!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Did Obama lie about his Plan?

"CHICAGO (Nov. 7) — President-elect Barack Obama is seeking some economic advice from leaders of business, government and academia, making the struggling economy — the nation's No. 1 concern — his first order of public business.
Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden were to meet Friday with 17 members of their transition economic advisory board. Members include former presidential Cabinet officials and executives from Xerox Corp., Time Warner Inc., Google Inc. and the Hyatt hotel company. Investor Warren Buffett was participating by telephone."

Wait a minute... Why is Obama seeking adice? He said it clearly and I understood his carefully chosen words! He made it clear a month ago he had a plan that would steer our economy out of this crisis!

SO, am I to believe he lied?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Main Stream Media in the Tank. The case against OBAMA

Main Stream Media is in the tank for Obama! REALLY!

I have been monitoring NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN to see what they report and how they are spinning Obama's and Biden's latest comments. NO MENTION or glossed over as a far-right hate crime.

Americans... you owe it to yourselves, your children, grandchildren and this great country to know the truth. Please, before you vote for Obama on emotion alone tune into FOX News for a few hours to get the real story. FOX Gives all sides to an issue an opportunity to speak and make their respective cases.

Obama tells the truth! He is a Socialist; he makes this statement in his books, during numerous interviews from the 1990's and early 2000's, and most recently to Joe the Plumber and then again during an interview not a week ago. America is not a Socialist country like Cuba or Russia. We believe in hard work and the opportunity to get ahead. Obama wants to take your hard work and give it away to those that chose not to work to get ahead.

Biden tells the truth! Obama is not ready to lead and America will face evil squarely in the face if Obama is President! Bidin went on to say that Obama will respond to a global crisis but it will be the wrong response!

Yes,,, the economy is bad! BUT, remember the Jimmy Carter years... interest on a home was over 20 percent, unemployment was over 18 percent in some states and was 12 percent nationally. Inflation was in the teens! The economy in the mid to late 70's was terrible. If you are young... do your homework and look for yourself!

Funny! Senators Clinton and Biden both said during the Democratic run for the Presidential nomination that Obama was NOT READY to lead! Both said, he would lead this country down the path of destruction! Again, don't believe me... look for yourself!

Obama's Friends! ALL have been thrown under the bus! Enough said!

If Obama were applying for a Top Secret clearance in the military he would be denied the clearance! Too many radical friends and shady financial dealings! I know... I had and worked with people every day that had Top Secret clearances. And I saw those that were denied a clearance and the reason for denial! Some were denied just because they had a high school buddy that was a little shady! Do we want a President that doesn't qualify for a Top Secret clearance commanding our troops?

CHANGE is not necessarily a good thing! Not when it means Spreading the Wealth (Socialism) or attacking your citizens for expressing their opinions (Communism), or promising to override the United States Constitution with liberal judges because you believe the document is flawed (Didn't Hitler make this same assertion about Germany's Constitution?).

Do we want a President that attacks its citizens and Media for asking difficult questions? Joe the Plumber asked a question and he was tar and feathered by Obama's Campaign and the Obama Lead Media. A Orlando Newswoman asked far questions and was also attacked by the Obama machine! I would expect this reaction in the Soviet Union or Communist China not America! What does this tell you about an Obama Presidency? Is free speech done? What next, a one way trip to a federal prison?

Please... don't vote against Bush because you are mad! Vote for the candidate that will keep you safe and will protect you from tyranny. We are America! Lets join together and do whats best for our country!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Social Security is a hoax!

Social Security Facts!

Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social Security (FICA) Program. He promised: 1.) Participation in the Program would be completely voluntary.
2.) Participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual incomes into the Program. (it is now 12.4 %)
3.) That the money the participants elected to put into the Program would be deductible from their income for tax purposes each year.
4.) That the money the participants put into the Independent 'Trust Fund' rather than into the General Operating Fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other government program.
5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.

Q: Which political party took Social Security from the Independent 'Trust Fund' and put it into the General Fund so that Congress could spend it?
A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the Democratically controlled House and Senate.

Q: Which political party eliminated the income tax deduction for Social Security (FICA)withholding?
A: The Democratic Party.

Q: Which political party started taxing Social Security annuities? A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the 'tie-breaking' deciding vote as President of the Senate, while he was Vice President of the U.S.

Q: Which political party decided to start giving annuity payments to immigrants?
A: That's right! Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party. Immigrants moved into this country, and at age65, they began to receive Social Security payments! The Democratic Party gave these payments to them even though they never paid a dime into it!

We wonder why social security is broken?

Let's suppose for a moment that a man and wife married in 1963 and their combined incomes were the national median. The national median in 1963 was $6249 and grew to $59,000 by 2008. During 2008 they reached the age of 65 and decided to retire. Let's pretend the government didn't steal this couples life savings and instead left in it in an account just like Franklin Roosevelt promised. Let's also pretend for a moment that the government paid interest on the savings at the average stock market return rate during the period 1963 to 2008; which was 8.47 percent.

This couple would have $750,647 in savings for retirement! This couple could withdraw their funds and invest it; and if they could select the right mix of investments that could return 8 percent on their investment they could have $60,000 a year in income.

Instead they will receive a monthly check for about $1500, or $18,000 per year!

I have the data that supports this calculation. Please ask if you would like to see it!

What happened to the savings account?

The Democratic Lead Congress and President Johnson decided to take the social security money and replace it with an I.O.U.

For members of congress let me make it real simple: Lets say you want to send your child to college at the age of 18. So, every year on your child's birthday you deposit $2000 into a savings account. The following day you withdraw the $2000 to buy a new car, big screen TV or other nice to have thing and replace the money with an I.O.U. On the first day of college how much money will your child have? NONE! You will have 18 I.O.U.s totalling $36,000 minus any interest payments because you don't get interest on an I.O.U!

That's RIGHT! Your government took your life savings and used it for social engineering!

Funny. Every election year the Democratic Party runs ads that say. "The Republican Party wants to take away your Social Security." Question; how to you take something that doesn't exist?

Social Security is Broken and will soon totally bankrupt America! Thank YOU Congress!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What is wrong with this picture?

Instinct is a funny thing!

Anytime the Democratic Party wants to make political gain what is their usual plan of action?

With the gas crisis they drug all of the BIG OIL CEOs into public hearings to chastise then for greed and taking advantage of the American public. When the truth was the Democratic Lead Congresses unwillingness to drill for new oil to make the United States more independent on foreign oil.

What happened during Enron? The Democrats again demanded hearings and held a witch-hunt that went on for months.

Compared to Enron the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae crisis is small potatoes!

What are the Dems doing? Running for cover! No hearings! Nothing!

So why the big change? The Dems and Obama's fingerprints are all over this crisis! Two of the former CEOs that caused this crisis are working for Obama. Obama has received 10's of thousands of dollars from the two firms in question. The Dems had oversight! When the Republicans attempted to fix the problem back in 2005 and 2006 the Dems voted down party lines to stop the action before it could gain any traction.

This my friends is another failed attempt to Socialize America by the left that went wrong! Just like Social Security (which is in collapse and will soon fail) and Medicare (costs will soon bloom to a point that it will have to be stopped).

Another issue! Where is Main Stream Media? Very little reporting! Why? Because they too see that this problem is caused by the Democratic Party and they the media is in the tank with the left and a failing Socialist agenda.

The media has reported more on Enron that the current Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae crisis.

When the public finally learns the truth they are going to be mad as heck and should be!

Remember Pelosi saying two years ago, "We are going to be the most transparent and honest Congress in history", or words to that effect!

The current Democratic lead Congress has the lowest favorability rating in history and is more than half that of President Bush!

Obama and his Party of Change are in hiding! Why would Obama and his campaign try to change the topic of discussion? Do you think sending Biden out to make a speech on Foreign Policy was not a calculation? Obama and his staff where hoping to change the topic of discussion from Fannie Mae to Foreign Policy.

Even Obama refused at first to go back to Washington to face the issue head on. WHY would "I know more than McCain about the economy" refuse an opportunity to rub this in McCain's face?

Because Obama knows the truth. When something or someone gets in his path to the Presidential Palace he throws the person or issue under the bus. (Legislation that supported infanticide, Legislation that supported Kindergartners receiving oral sex training, Reverend Wright, William Ayers, Frank Davis, Tony Rezko, Louis Farrakhan, Communist Party Illinois, Socialist Party USA, The New Black Panther Party, Hamas Terrorist Organization, just to mention a few that went under the bus).

Obama... you can run but you can't hide!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Racial Divide

The Associated Press published an article about racial discrimination today. All of the major networks and left-wing news-agencies are all jumping on the bandwagon of racial tensions and divide in America. I believe this is an effort to shore-up the Obama Presidential candidacy.

This all started last week when McCain was up in the polls over Obama by 5 to 6 percentage points. Coincidence?

I don't think so. The main-stream media attacked a McCain ad that pointed out that one of Obama's point men was the former CEO of Fannie Mae the mortgage company that recently had to be bailed out by the U.S. taxpayer. Obama received $165,000 in campaign contributions from Fannie Mae which was the second highest of all politicians. The former CEO left Fannie Mae with nearly $100 million in salary and bonuses.

I believe pointing this fact out is fair game. But, because McCain used a picture of the former CEO in his ad McCain is being attacked by the main-stream media as being a racist! Ohhh, did I forget to mention the man is African-American! No mention of this persons race was mentioned in the ad other than the picture.

So... to be fair! If an Obama ad shows a picture of a white person who is being associated with McCain does this make Obama a racist? To apply the same standard... "YES"

I place blame on leftist main-stream media and the race-baiters that have made careers out of racial tension. The left and their media will attack a conservative in a heartbeat for any remark or gesture that in their opinion is racist in nature (i.e. the attack on McCains TV ad).

Former President Jimmy Carter recently called Obama a "BOY" during a speech he gave. Not a word was said about it in the media. BUT, if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity were to use the word "BOY" to describe a Black the media and race-baiters would be all over this like bees to honey!

The left and race-baiters deny this fact! BUT, trust me Americans are smart and see through this shame! They see this all of the time and all it accomplishes is divide.

SO... until media, the leftists, and the race-baiters (and you know who you are) start treating ALL people the same there will continue to be racial divide.

Tell me... when was the last time Jesse Jackson ran to the aide of a White Person that was discriminated against by a Black? Sorry Jesse and Al, but America sees the double standard! If you are going to champion racial equality then you must apply it across the color spectrum. What would happen to Jesse and Al's revenue stream if all racial tensions were to disappear over night?

Another American myth. Whites can be racists but Blacks are exempt from being racists because they are "Victims".

Double standards must end! Whites are racists if they use the "N" word. (SEE, even here I hesitate to spell out the word). But, Blacks use the "N" word as a term of endearment!

Is Race is being used to further a political agenda? What role is media playing? How about Jesse and Al?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

General Electric & NBC

I am calling on Americans to boycott All General Electric products including their television company NBC.

From the beginning of this election cycle NBC has been in the pocket of Obama. NBC might as well officially rename themselves the National Barrack (Obama) Channel. The Clintons stated loudly that NBC went out of their way to give Obama a pass while attacking the Clinton camp on a daily basis. It is true and the statistics don't lie!

NBC is now unfairly attacking Sara Palin. I am not against fair and hard questions because we need to know what this woman stands for and about her background.

On the flip side NBC has never asked Obama any hard questions. Never have they asked about his relationships with known socialists and terrorists Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Professor Khalidis, and Nadhmi Auchi,( ) the group of friends that provided Obama's professional and spiritual growth.

NBC and its so called reporters get shivers down their legs when in the company of the Great One Obama! Is that unbiased reporting?

The leadership of General Electric and NBC are known far left supporters and have made a decision to back Obama. This is being done because NBC News has poor ratings and is being beat by FOX News.

I call on you all to stop watching ALL NBC programs, write them letters, and boycott all GE products. Don't even buy a car if it has General Electric Products built into it! Lets send a message to our NEWS organizations that they may be able to stand behind their Constitutional protection but they can't run from the American Public. We want fair and unbiased reporting in ALL of our NEWS outlets.

Biden: Paying higher taxes patriotic for wealthy

So, Americans can be "Patriotic" by paying higher taxes according to Obama's VP pick.

Is it Patriotic to call American Soldiers "Baby Killers" or state "They bomb Innocent civilians in their sleep" or "They rape young children" or make anti-American propaganda movies depicting American Soldiers as evil and the U.S. as a terrible regime.

You guys on the LEFT have it so wrong!

Remember, the Constitution originally had no federal provision for taxing its Citizens. The Constitution was written to keep BIG (LEFT) GOVERNMENT out of your business! Everyone, from the day they were born had equal opportunity to prosper and do well. Prosperity comes to those who work hard, get an education, learn a trade or shill, and live a good morale existence (i.e., don't do drugs, live a life of crime, etc).

I am for a reformed tax code. Everyone paying the same rate regardless of their financial status. The left (democrats) have made a career of dividing the rich from the poor for political gain. They divide Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Christians, Whites, Woman, Gay, on and on for political gain. The Democrats then try to pit one group against the other for political power.

When Republicans go out and state, "We want everyone to get a fair chance by the use of school vouchers. This way parents can decide which school to send their children to." The LEFT spins this to mean somehow that Republicans hate Blacks or Hispanics.

Sorry... got off topic a little! But, doesn't it make logical sense to try to get the best education possible for every citizen? Look at the schools in democrat controlled Chicago, Detroit, Columbus Ohio; they are failing!

Competition! If Public Schools had to compete against Private Schools for students the private schools would put the public schools out of business! This would mean one thing to the LEFT.. not that children were now getting a good education, but a huge reduction in campaign contributions from the Teacher's Unions that control public schools.

So there you go! The truth! The Democrats want YOUR children to remain in the public school system so they can reap the benefits of campaign money!!!

Back to taxes... when you or I buy a gallon of gas, a loaf of bread, get a drivers licence, buy a movie ticket, eat fast food we all pay the same tax rate! So then why should we pay different tax rates on our federal taxes?

WHY? Let me tell you! Again... the LEFT is playing politics! If we can get a group of people to hate another group we can benefit politically! The truth... 10 percent of the population pays 70 percent of the federal tax burden and 50 percent pay zero!

So... if I can get the 50 percent to hate the 10 percent and vote for me I will win! The Democrat model of fairness!

My wife and I are in the 10 percent that pay 70 percent of the federal taxes. We both worked hard and have earned every dime we have. Both of us come from simple middle-class homes! My wife went to a 4 year state school and worked hard and earned great grades. She went to an Ivy-League Medical School for 4 years (and we have the bills to prove it), she then went on to advanced training at a medical facility for 2 years, then another state school for 3 more years for specialized training (more bills). She went to school for 25 years and we now have huge monthly education bills to repay!

I entered the Navy right out of high school. I worked hard! Studied, learned, and went beyond the call of duty! I applied for a officer's commission at my 8 year point in my career and was fortunate to be awarded one! Imagine that, a simple Oregon boy was promoted to the ranks of officers without a college degree. How did I achieve this...."Hard Work" I retired from the Navy after 26 years service as a Lieutenant Commander. I then went back to school to finish my college education.

My wife and I have worked hard to get ahead! So please tell me why we should be taxed more than the person who made the choice to deal drugs, or drop out of school, or the guy that did well in school but chose to become a construction worker (nothing wrong with being a construction worker, in fact I wish I could be as handy as these people).

America is a great country! From birth we have the right to make decisions regarding our future and to pursue our passions. Some of us will become wealthy and some will not! BUT, we all started on the same line!

The LEFT will again state... "The rich have an advantage in the race to the top." Trust me, Bill Gates was not born rich! The LEFT is once again trying to divide us my incomes!

I have news for all of you! If you want to succeed you can! If you want to learn higher math, history, writing, or basketball you can! You must make a "DECISION" and live with it!

Skipping School, Dealing Drugs, Cheating, will not get you ahead!

What does it mean to be Patriotic? To me... doing your best, playing by the rules, love God and Country, and treat everyone as an equal!

If Biden and Obama are right! Then the RICH are more PATRIOTIC than the POOR! I don't believe this for a second!

Obama... we can't TAX our way out of this!

Like McCain said, "The fundamentals of our economy are sound." Which means, our citizens are willing to work hard, make compromises when required and trust in God. Rich and poor alike!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Replacement Food Stamps for Spoiled Food

"Based on the power outages and the flooding, customers who received food stamp benefits this month may be eligible for a replacement based on the value of food lost up to the amount of the month's allotment. Customers must sign a Replacement affidavit (click on link below) and fax, mail, or present that to a local DCF Service Center." copied from

Right! We might as well issue every food stamp recipient a replacement month's allotment! In the long run it would cost less than processing the tons of paperwork.

Sorry, I don't like to sound like a terrible person. But, there are thousands of everyday people who work hard and make it on their own without government assistance. Who is going to replace their lost food? I will tell you; Nobody! These same people will suck it up and find a way to fed their families!

Many of this countries welfare recipients are on welfare because they choose not to work! If being on welfare were a little more difficult perhaps some would decide to return to work instead of sitting on their rears all day! They have found the loopholes and share these with their friends! I know... because I have had many people approach me and confess their evil ways! Many very proud to be on welfare and having pulled the wool over the governments eyes!

Those of you that are truly in need. God Bless you!

My Point! This is another government run program filled with corruption and waste!

Do we really want to turn all of our health care over to our government? Medicare and Medicaid are already failing... why would we think the government could do better with all the apples in the barrel?

Obama and Fannie Mae CEOs!

Obama has as his financial advisor two former Fannie Mae CEOs.

This is too easy! Lets see, two guys that took a perfectly good company and drove it into bankruptcy while each left with millions in compensation!

Is this the change Obama is promising?

Obama and his fellow decocrats received Millions in Campaign contributions from Fannie Mae!

Is this the change Obama is promising?

Isn't it funny that the democrat lead congress isn't demanding a witch-hunt for the reasons / causes behind the failed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failures. Of course not! They were the ones promulgating the regulations that lead to the collapse of these two companies.

Is this the change Obama is promising?

Obama is the same old story! Get rich on the dime of others while pandering to the people they promise to help!

Back In 2005 McCain reached across party lines and backed a bill to rein-in the practices of both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The democrats fought the bill and it died! McCain foresaw the problem and tried to take action!

Is this the change Obama is promising?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Obama Doctrine?

The Bush Doctrine, unlike the Monroe Doctrine which is actual words on paper, is a concept put together by the far-left to spread fear and hate.

Bush has never said or written, "this is my doctrine" and regardless of what happens in the world this is our path of action.

The action in Iraq was put to a vote in OUR Congress and it was overwhelmingly approved by CONGRESS to take military action against Iraq. MOST on the left today state, "If I knew then what we know today I would not have supported the war in Iraq." NOW that's leadership!

Lets see, "knowing what I know today I would have purchased Microsoft stock during its initial offering!" This statement doesn't make me a great investor! Or does it?

Knowing what I do about Obama, if he were in the senate during the historical vote to invade Iraq I am 99.8 percent sure he would have voted to invade! Too afraid to go against his contemporaries and the voice of public opinion. Or he would have stayed at home that day because you can't vote "Present" in our Federal Senate like the Illinois Senate.

Why do I believe this... Obama leads by polls. So, if his counterparts and the American population back something he too will blindly lead in that direction. May I point out his shift on drilling off-shore... he was against drilling off-shore regardless the cost to America. Now that 80 percent of Americas support drilling off-shore... so does Obama!

So what would the Obama Doctrine look like?

He would walk out into the rose garden in the morning holding up his finger to see which way the wind of American Opinion is blowing! Once he has determined what WE Americans want he will make a decision. But, not before getting approval with the Daily Kos, Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Professor Khalidis, and Nadhmi Auchi,( ) the group of friends that provided Obama's professional and spiritual growth.

The Obaba Doctrine will be a living document just like the left regards the Constitution of the United States! Wake-up, read the polls, make a suggestion to my my close friends and gain their approval (one is in jail so it will be a little more difficult), then make policy!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama... Attacking McCain's Lack of Computer Knowledge

Obama... one word! WEAK!

If this is the best you can do as a former Community Organizer ... well, sorry dude!

Do Nothing Congress

You and I are facing historical gas prices. Can you remember $2.00 a gallon gas? We are now paying and average of $3.67 for regular, up from $2.80 a year ago!

Heating oil currently costs $3.30 per gallon, up from $2.21 a year ago! This price will raise dramatically by mid-February!

Illegal Immigration is costing taxpayers millions of dollars in hospital costs, welfare benefits, crime (yes, I know not all illegals are criminals, but try telling that to the family in San Francisco that recently had the father and two sons killed by an illegal), and taking of American jobs!

What has congress done? NOTHING!

The Democrats refuse to vote on an energy plan! Thank You so much Harry and Nancy!

The Democrats refuse to go after illegals!

And, the Republicans sit on their hands like a bunch of scared monkeys.

It is time to replace the House and Senate! Let's find some real Americans that will go to Washington and take charge! What we need are farmers, small business people, teachers, police officers, firemen, and housewives to run for congress. Real people not afraid to to DO WHAT's RIGHT!

I am all for alternative energy! Wind, solar, worm-dirt, nuclear, and ????? But, in the mean-time we must DRILL! Get off foreign oil and keep our dollars here in the United States. Put people to work in the oil industry until we find the next source of clean renewable energy!

Natural Gas seems like a good source for a while.... we have tons of it! It is cleaner than Gasoline and we have the technology to convert cars to run on it now!


If I were to choose not to pay my taxes, which is a federal crime! OUR government would be on me like flies on honey! You know they would be!

SO... why is it okay to sneak into our country illegally?

Perhaps we all should stop paying our taxes until our government enforces ALL LAWS!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Bless America

Today is the Anniversary of the September 11th attack on this nation.

Thank You George Bush and all men and women of the armed services for keeping American safe from terrorism.

On this date, seven years ago I was a lieutenant commander on board the USS Antietam, a guided missile cruiser. Our battle group was in route to the gulf to relieve the battle group that had been on station for the previous six months.

One of my shipmates came running into my stateroom saying, "the world trade center has been hit by terrorists!"

Our world changed! My world changed!

I recall hearing from the so called experts over the next six months, as reported by Main-stream media. "We will be hit again!" The main-stream media seemed to relish in the idea that we "the big bad United States" deserved to be bombed and we would soon be the victims of radical Muslims.

Believe me... George Bush is a hero! The leftist media and Leftist Political party have done everything they can to stop Bush from doing his job. Our President stood his ground and did what was right! Much like that soldier that dives on a hand-grenade to save his buddies!

Stop for a moment and THINK! What would a Democrat President have done following 9-11? Not a Roosevelt or Kennedy but a 21st century Democrat. Would we be as safe today?

I believe we would have been attacked again and we would be running for our lives!

Thank You George Bush!


Main-Stream Media. Fair and Balanced?

The First Amendment to our constitution provides for "Freedom of Speech" and "Freedom of the Press".

"The founders of the United States enacted the First Amendment to distinguish their new government from that of England, which had long censored the press and prosecuted persons who dared to criticize the British Crown. As Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart explained in a 1974 speech, the "primary purpose" of the First Amendment was "to create a fourth institution outside the government as an additional check on the three official branches" (the executive branch, the legislature and the judiciary). " (1)

Who or what is going to protect us from the press. The press (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, Newsweek, US ...) have adopted a leftist agenda and slant ALL of their so called news to the left. From presidential elections to global warming all we hear reported as news is the views and opinions of the left. Never do we hear counter-points or other facts that discredit leftist views.

I am starting this blog to use my first amendment right to fight back against the liberal media and government officials that are leading this country to the slaughter-house.

I welcome comments, but please keep them clean and civil. Bomb-throwing isn't going to accomplish anything. If you want to make a claim or counter-claim please state your sources; if you want to be taken seriously you need to make statements of fact not statements of emotion.

This link will take you to Media Contacts and Addresses:

I encourage all Americans to write their congress-people on a regular basis. Use this link to contact your elected officials.

I believe that ALL Americans are responsible for their individual success. Hard work and being a productive member of this great country is what made the United States the great country that it is today. Get an education, work hard, follow the rules, and believe in and trust God.

Thank You for your time.

God Bless

