Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Obama and Fannie Mae CEOs!

Obama has as his financial advisor two former Fannie Mae CEOs.

This is too easy! Lets see, two guys that took a perfectly good company and drove it into bankruptcy while each left with millions in compensation!

Is this the change Obama is promising?

Obama and his fellow decocrats received Millions in Campaign contributions from Fannie Mae!

Is this the change Obama is promising?

Isn't it funny that the democrat lead congress isn't demanding a witch-hunt for the reasons / causes behind the failed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failures. Of course not! They were the ones promulgating the regulations that lead to the collapse of these two companies.

Is this the change Obama is promising?

Obama is the same old story! Get rich on the dime of others while pandering to the people they promise to help!

Back In 2005 McCain reached across party lines and backed a bill to rein-in the practices of both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The democrats fought the bill and it died! McCain foresaw the problem and tried to take action!

Is this the change Obama is promising?

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