Friday, September 12, 2008

Do Nothing Congress

You and I are facing historical gas prices. Can you remember $2.00 a gallon gas? We are now paying and average of $3.67 for regular, up from $2.80 a year ago!

Heating oil currently costs $3.30 per gallon, up from $2.21 a year ago! This price will raise dramatically by mid-February!

Illegal Immigration is costing taxpayers millions of dollars in hospital costs, welfare benefits, crime (yes, I know not all illegals are criminals, but try telling that to the family in San Francisco that recently had the father and two sons killed by an illegal), and taking of American jobs!

What has congress done? NOTHING!

The Democrats refuse to vote on an energy plan! Thank You so much Harry and Nancy!

The Democrats refuse to go after illegals!

And, the Republicans sit on their hands like a bunch of scared monkeys.

It is time to replace the House and Senate! Let's find some real Americans that will go to Washington and take charge! What we need are farmers, small business people, teachers, police officers, firemen, and housewives to run for congress. Real people not afraid to to DO WHAT's RIGHT!

I am all for alternative energy! Wind, solar, worm-dirt, nuclear, and ????? But, in the mean-time we must DRILL! Get off foreign oil and keep our dollars here in the United States. Put people to work in the oil industry until we find the next source of clean renewable energy!

Natural Gas seems like a good source for a while.... we have tons of it! It is cleaner than Gasoline and we have the technology to convert cars to run on it now!


If I were to choose not to pay my taxes, which is a federal crime! OUR government would be on me like flies on honey! You know they would be!

SO... why is it okay to sneak into our country illegally?

Perhaps we all should stop paying our taxes until our government enforces ALL LAWS!

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