Thursday, September 18, 2008

General Electric & NBC

I am calling on Americans to boycott All General Electric products including their television company NBC.

From the beginning of this election cycle NBC has been in the pocket of Obama. NBC might as well officially rename themselves the National Barrack (Obama) Channel. The Clintons stated loudly that NBC went out of their way to give Obama a pass while attacking the Clinton camp on a daily basis. It is true and the statistics don't lie!

NBC is now unfairly attacking Sara Palin. I am not against fair and hard questions because we need to know what this woman stands for and about her background.

On the flip side NBC has never asked Obama any hard questions. Never have they asked about his relationships with known socialists and terrorists Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Professor Khalidis, and Nadhmi Auchi,( ) the group of friends that provided Obama's professional and spiritual growth.

NBC and its so called reporters get shivers down their legs when in the company of the Great One Obama! Is that unbiased reporting?

The leadership of General Electric and NBC are known far left supporters and have made a decision to back Obama. This is being done because NBC News has poor ratings and is being beat by FOX News.

I call on you all to stop watching ALL NBC programs, write them letters, and boycott all GE products. Don't even buy a car if it has General Electric Products built into it! Lets send a message to our NEWS organizations that they may be able to stand behind their Constitutional protection but they can't run from the American Public. We want fair and unbiased reporting in ALL of our NEWS outlets.

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