Monday, September 22, 2008

Racial Divide

The Associated Press published an article about racial discrimination today. All of the major networks and left-wing news-agencies are all jumping on the bandwagon of racial tensions and divide in America. I believe this is an effort to shore-up the Obama Presidential candidacy.

This all started last week when McCain was up in the polls over Obama by 5 to 6 percentage points. Coincidence?

I don't think so. The main-stream media attacked a McCain ad that pointed out that one of Obama's point men was the former CEO of Fannie Mae the mortgage company that recently had to be bailed out by the U.S. taxpayer. Obama received $165,000 in campaign contributions from Fannie Mae which was the second highest of all politicians. The former CEO left Fannie Mae with nearly $100 million in salary and bonuses.

I believe pointing this fact out is fair game. But, because McCain used a picture of the former CEO in his ad McCain is being attacked by the main-stream media as being a racist! Ohhh, did I forget to mention the man is African-American! No mention of this persons race was mentioned in the ad other than the picture.

So... to be fair! If an Obama ad shows a picture of a white person who is being associated with McCain does this make Obama a racist? To apply the same standard... "YES"

I place blame on leftist main-stream media and the race-baiters that have made careers out of racial tension. The left and their media will attack a conservative in a heartbeat for any remark or gesture that in their opinion is racist in nature (i.e. the attack on McCains TV ad).

Former President Jimmy Carter recently called Obama a "BOY" during a speech he gave. Not a word was said about it in the media. BUT, if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity were to use the word "BOY" to describe a Black the media and race-baiters would be all over this like bees to honey!

The left and race-baiters deny this fact! BUT, trust me Americans are smart and see through this shame! They see this all of the time and all it accomplishes is divide.

SO... until media, the leftists, and the race-baiters (and you know who you are) start treating ALL people the same there will continue to be racial divide.

Tell me... when was the last time Jesse Jackson ran to the aide of a White Person that was discriminated against by a Black? Sorry Jesse and Al, but America sees the double standard! If you are going to champion racial equality then you must apply it across the color spectrum. What would happen to Jesse and Al's revenue stream if all racial tensions were to disappear over night?

Another American myth. Whites can be racists but Blacks are exempt from being racists because they are "Victims".

Double standards must end! Whites are racists if they use the "N" word. (SEE, even here I hesitate to spell out the word). But, Blacks use the "N" word as a term of endearment!

Is Race is being used to further a political agenda? What role is media playing? How about Jesse and Al?

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