Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Say Goodbye to Prosperity Oregon

Oregon voters passed measures 66 (higher taxes on the rich) and 67 (higher taxes on business) yesterday!

Hey Oregon, can you spell MICHIGAN, NEW YORK, CALIFORNIA! Oregon is a Progressive Socialist State that believes by simply raising taxes all the states problems will be solved!

Truth is; People with wealth (business owners and investors) will leave the state or decide not to move to Oregon to avoid paying higher taxes! Oregon; Say goodbye to your good for nothing RICH GREEDY FAT CATS! Businesses too will relocate, hire fewer people, or outsource (oh, that terrible word the Progressives love to throw around) to another state or country!

In the long term the end result is predictable. Loss of jobs, loss of the industrial base and loss of tax revenue!

Prediction: Years from now the Progressives will blame this failure on the RICH GREEDY FAT CATS and Businesses that "outsourced" the jobs or moved away! History being repeated again... Funny, the States with the worst economic conditions are those being lead by the Progressive (Democrat) Party!

One word regarding outsourcing for you Progressives! Businesses must remain competitive to stay in business! Raise taxes results in higher prices. Higher Prices results in a loss of your consumer base to companies that can produce at lower overall costs! Companies must lower their costs to remain in business; so they "OUTSOURCE" to remain profitable! YES, China and India can make it for less!

Profits! Another evil Progressive term! Without profits businesses will fail in the long term! Without Businesses you have NO TAX BASE!

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