Saturday, August 6, 2011

LEFTISTS are Hypocrites!

This Pro-America Tea Party Patriot is sick and tired of the hypocrisy on the left side of our political spectrum!

At every opportunity President Obama, and the leadership on the left attack those earning over $250,000. Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi call on Congress to raise the Tax Rate on the Rich because this is the “FAIR” thing to do! They go on to criticize the Fat Cat Tax Loop Holes and Tax Credits that got this country into our present financial situation.

Both President Obama and Vice President Biden took advantage of Fat Cat tax loopholes and tax-credits to reduce their tax burden! Obama paid $453,770 in taxes on an adjusted gross income of $1,728,096; a tax rat of 26 percent. Biden, not to be outdone paid $86,626 on his adjusted gross income of $379,178 for a tax rate of 23 percent.

So while Obama is out campaigning for higher tax rates on the evil rich his zombie groupies in Main Stream Media and his voting base give Obama a pass on his use of FAT CAT Tax Loopholes to reduce his annual tax bill.

News Flash for you Leftists; There is no law requiring the use of the Fat Cat Tax Loopholes!

Obama loves to point fingers at the “Corporate Jet Tax”, saying it is another reason we are in economic crisis!

Elimination of the corporate jet tax would put $3 billion into the treasury over a 10 year period; which wouldn’t even cover one day of Obama’s $4.1 Billion in deficit spending!

“Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus act, in February 2009. In September 2010, Obama signed H.R. 5927, the Small Business Lending Fund Act. Both pieces of legislation included tax breaks to help businesses buy their own planes.”, Fred Lucas,

The corporate jet tax is just another leftist boogie-man created to stir-up class warfare between Americans!
Raising the Nations Debt Limit:
Senator Obama said in 2006, “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” he said. “It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.”.

Harry Reid too was against raising the Debt Limit in 2006; see video

The Left, lead by Alarmist Al Gore spreads the myth of Man-Made Global Warming like a pack of starving hyena’s gnawing on the carcass of a water buffalo. They chastise Big Bad Oil, the Auto Industry, the Coal Industry, and they call on ALL American’s to reduce their Carbon Footprints at any cost because the very existence of life on earth depends on personal sacrifice!

So while the Hollywood Elites, Al Gore and the rest of the Fat Cat leftists call upon the great citizens of this country to sacrifice to save the planet how do they lead? Al Gore purchases a $8.875M luxury getaway in Montecito, CA; a swanky zip code that has attracted big name residents like Oprah Winfrey, Steve Martin, and Kirk Douglas. Records show that the approximately 6,500 sq. foot home boasts 6 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, a large pool house, 6 fireplaces, wood framed french doors, and carved stone detailing throughout. Al jets all over the world on a private jet! The Hollywood elite’s daily drivers are gas guzzling Hummers, Bentleys, and other large expensive exotic automobiles. Yes, many of these elites own a hybrid or electric car; but these are all for show because none of these hypocrites drive them on a daily basis.

Where is the outrage on the left? Shouldn’t your Gods and Goddesses lead by example? Demand Al Gore and the Hollywood Fakes sell their mansions and move into small energy efficient homes, demand they fly commercial, demand they drive their small fuel efficient clown cars daily and sell their gas guzzling expensive show cars.

Another war-cry we routinely hear from the left is; “The Outsourcing of Good American paying Jobs must stop”.

Funny; Obama lead the Takeover of General Motors. During the restructuring of Government Motors 18 percent of production was outsourced to Mexico and China. Not a word from the left regarding the outsourcing of HIGH PAYING UNION JOBS!

Yet; these same fools go to war against Boeing because they want to expand production in Charleston, South Carolina! Instead of following Government Motors lead of outsourcing to foreign workers Boeing does the patriotic thing and expands here in the USA!

Again the Left shows their hypocrisy; they turn a blind-eye to the outsourcing of UNION jobs to Mexico by Obama Motors, yet file lawsuit after lawsuit against Boeing when Boeing provides NON-UNION jobs to Americans.

LEFTISTS are Hypocrites! So until they lead by example this Tea Party Patriot will dismiss their rhetoric as pure BS!

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