Thursday, September 18, 2008

Biden: Paying higher taxes patriotic for wealthy

So, Americans can be "Patriotic" by paying higher taxes according to Obama's VP pick.

Is it Patriotic to call American Soldiers "Baby Killers" or state "They bomb Innocent civilians in their sleep" or "They rape young children" or make anti-American propaganda movies depicting American Soldiers as evil and the U.S. as a terrible regime.

You guys on the LEFT have it so wrong!

Remember, the Constitution originally had no federal provision for taxing its Citizens. The Constitution was written to keep BIG (LEFT) GOVERNMENT out of your business! Everyone, from the day they were born had equal opportunity to prosper and do well. Prosperity comes to those who work hard, get an education, learn a trade or shill, and live a good morale existence (i.e., don't do drugs, live a life of crime, etc).

I am for a reformed tax code. Everyone paying the same rate regardless of their financial status. The left (democrats) have made a career of dividing the rich from the poor for political gain. They divide Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Christians, Whites, Woman, Gay, on and on for political gain. The Democrats then try to pit one group against the other for political power.

When Republicans go out and state, "We want everyone to get a fair chance by the use of school vouchers. This way parents can decide which school to send their children to." The LEFT spins this to mean somehow that Republicans hate Blacks or Hispanics.

Sorry... got off topic a little! But, doesn't it make logical sense to try to get the best education possible for every citizen? Look at the schools in democrat controlled Chicago, Detroit, Columbus Ohio; they are failing!

Competition! If Public Schools had to compete against Private Schools for students the private schools would put the public schools out of business! This would mean one thing to the LEFT.. not that children were now getting a good education, but a huge reduction in campaign contributions from the Teacher's Unions that control public schools.

So there you go! The truth! The Democrats want YOUR children to remain in the public school system so they can reap the benefits of campaign money!!!

Back to taxes... when you or I buy a gallon of gas, a loaf of bread, get a drivers licence, buy a movie ticket, eat fast food we all pay the same tax rate! So then why should we pay different tax rates on our federal taxes?

WHY? Let me tell you! Again... the LEFT is playing politics! If we can get a group of people to hate another group we can benefit politically! The truth... 10 percent of the population pays 70 percent of the federal tax burden and 50 percent pay zero!

So... if I can get the 50 percent to hate the 10 percent and vote for me I will win! The Democrat model of fairness!

My wife and I are in the 10 percent that pay 70 percent of the federal taxes. We both worked hard and have earned every dime we have. Both of us come from simple middle-class homes! My wife went to a 4 year state school and worked hard and earned great grades. She went to an Ivy-League Medical School for 4 years (and we have the bills to prove it), she then went on to advanced training at a medical facility for 2 years, then another state school for 3 more years for specialized training (more bills). She went to school for 25 years and we now have huge monthly education bills to repay!

I entered the Navy right out of high school. I worked hard! Studied, learned, and went beyond the call of duty! I applied for a officer's commission at my 8 year point in my career and was fortunate to be awarded one! Imagine that, a simple Oregon boy was promoted to the ranks of officers without a college degree. How did I achieve this...."Hard Work" I retired from the Navy after 26 years service as a Lieutenant Commander. I then went back to school to finish my college education.

My wife and I have worked hard to get ahead! So please tell me why we should be taxed more than the person who made the choice to deal drugs, or drop out of school, or the guy that did well in school but chose to become a construction worker (nothing wrong with being a construction worker, in fact I wish I could be as handy as these people).

America is a great country! From birth we have the right to make decisions regarding our future and to pursue our passions. Some of us will become wealthy and some will not! BUT, we all started on the same line!

The LEFT will again state... "The rich have an advantage in the race to the top." Trust me, Bill Gates was not born rich! The LEFT is once again trying to divide us my incomes!

I have news for all of you! If you want to succeed you can! If you want to learn higher math, history, writing, or basketball you can! You must make a "DECISION" and live with it!

Skipping School, Dealing Drugs, Cheating, will not get you ahead!

What does it mean to be Patriotic? To me... doing your best, playing by the rules, love God and Country, and treat everyone as an equal!

If Biden and Obama are right! Then the RICH are more PATRIOTIC than the POOR! I don't believe this for a second!

Obama... we can't TAX our way out of this!

Like McCain said, "The fundamentals of our economy are sound." Which means, our citizens are willing to work hard, make compromises when required and trust in God. Rich and poor alike!

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