Thursday, September 25, 2008

What is wrong with this picture?

Instinct is a funny thing!

Anytime the Democratic Party wants to make political gain what is their usual plan of action?

With the gas crisis they drug all of the BIG OIL CEOs into public hearings to chastise then for greed and taking advantage of the American public. When the truth was the Democratic Lead Congresses unwillingness to drill for new oil to make the United States more independent on foreign oil.

What happened during Enron? The Democrats again demanded hearings and held a witch-hunt that went on for months.

Compared to Enron the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae crisis is small potatoes!

What are the Dems doing? Running for cover! No hearings! Nothing!

So why the big change? The Dems and Obama's fingerprints are all over this crisis! Two of the former CEOs that caused this crisis are working for Obama. Obama has received 10's of thousands of dollars from the two firms in question. The Dems had oversight! When the Republicans attempted to fix the problem back in 2005 and 2006 the Dems voted down party lines to stop the action before it could gain any traction.

This my friends is another failed attempt to Socialize America by the left that went wrong! Just like Social Security (which is in collapse and will soon fail) and Medicare (costs will soon bloom to a point that it will have to be stopped).

Another issue! Where is Main Stream Media? Very little reporting! Why? Because they too see that this problem is caused by the Democratic Party and they the media is in the tank with the left and a failing Socialist agenda.

The media has reported more on Enron that the current Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae crisis.

When the public finally learns the truth they are going to be mad as heck and should be!

Remember Pelosi saying two years ago, "We are going to be the most transparent and honest Congress in history", or words to that effect!

The current Democratic lead Congress has the lowest favorability rating in history and is more than half that of President Bush!

Obama and his Party of Change are in hiding! Why would Obama and his campaign try to change the topic of discussion? Do you think sending Biden out to make a speech on Foreign Policy was not a calculation? Obama and his staff where hoping to change the topic of discussion from Fannie Mae to Foreign Policy.

Even Obama refused at first to go back to Washington to face the issue head on. WHY would "I know more than McCain about the economy" refuse an opportunity to rub this in McCain's face?

Because Obama knows the truth. When something or someone gets in his path to the Presidential Palace he throws the person or issue under the bus. (Legislation that supported infanticide, Legislation that supported Kindergartners receiving oral sex training, Reverend Wright, William Ayers, Frank Davis, Tony Rezko, Louis Farrakhan, Communist Party Illinois, Socialist Party USA, The New Black Panther Party, Hamas Terrorist Organization, just to mention a few that went under the bus).

Obama... you can run but you can't hide!

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