Thursday, January 15, 2009


I am one that tried his best to tolerate those that go against everything I believe in. I believe in God, and I believe we all will stand before him in judgment!

Just because you don't believe in God doesn't exempt you from judgment.

I find it funny that atheists even take the time to fight the existence of God. I would think they would be like me in regards to atheists. Let them do their own thing; because in the end we will see who has the last laugh!

Many a atheist has upon his or her death bed begged a priest for Gods forgiveness in the hopes of an eternal life!

Removing words from speeches, buildings and other government property will not change the fact that more that 90 percent of Americans worship a God.

One last word! This country was built on the foundation of Judeo Christian values! If God bothers someone so much perhaps they should move to a communist country where God has been eliminated! Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and a host of others are all role models for possible leaders if they were alive today!

To all atheists, God Bless You!

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