Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Budget Shortfalls

When our government is faced with budget shortfalls why do the working people always get the shaft?

Take California for instance. The state has a $42 billion shortfall and the democratically lead political machine has been unable to come up with solutions.

So, like clockwork, the politicians remedy is to lay-off 20,000 government workers! Don't misunderstand me, I believe the government workforce is over-paid, too large, and not very productive when compared to their civilian counterparts! But, in their defense they do get up and go to work.

Never do we see "Benefits" reduced.... why is it perfectly fine for a woman on "WELFARE" with six children to give birth to eight additional children?... Who is on the hook to care for these 14 children? The unemployed mother? No, you and I! By the time these children reach the age of 18 we the tax-payers will have paid out millions of dollars caring for these children.

How about the millions of dollars being spent on the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse in the San Francisco Bay area? The "Stimulus Bill" grants millions of dollars to this little rodent! NOT A JOB CREATING PROJECT!

Hummmm... a mouse lives about 3 years! So, if Darwin is correct this little mouse should be evolving at a pace 24 times that of man! Why doesn't this little guy just adapt to his environment, or grow wings and fly away? You on the left... is Darwin wrong?

I believe we must care for the environment,,, but we go to far!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." from our Declaration of Independence.

Simple said, we all have the right to do what makes us happy! So, if your goal in live is to have 14 children this is fine, but you should be able to support these children! If you want to sit on your rear all day long, fine, but don't expect a handout... you better have the bank-roll to support this choice!

My fellow Americans... it is time to care for Americans! Those that have chosen to live a Campaign and Caviar live on a Welfare budget must pay the price for poor decisions! Americans that get up and go to work, pay taxes and play by the rules should be rewarded with a government that puts us first and foremost! Call and Write your elected officials every day and tell them so!

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