Thursday, February 19, 2009

Open Letter to Reverend Al Sharpton

Reverend Sharpton, As an American, I am sick and tired of you and your race baiters going out and stirring up trouble.

The Cartoon in the New York Post of a monkey being shot by two police officers is not an attack against President Obama as you claim. The picture is clearly making the statement that even a monkey can do Congress's job! For your information, Obama didn't even write the Bill... it was Nancy Pelosi and her cronies in Congress!

America will never take you, Reverend Sharpton, seriously until you come to the defense of a white person, a Hispanic, an Asian or other nationality other than African Americans. All you do is show up and throw gasoline on a fire! You preach equality... but you are the first to look the other way when it doesn't fit your racially motivated agenda. Don't we all deserve defense when our civil rights are violated? Or, is the civil rights movement a black cause only?

It is on you to show leadership in the civil rights arena. Put your actions where your mouth is; prove to America that civil rights is a color blind issue!

Where were you when the below pictures of President Bush were distributed? By the way, these are just a few of the thousands available. Why didn't you rush to Bush's defense? Because he is white? A conservative? A Republican?

Reverend, sorry but you just look foolish to most Americans! I know... I must be a racist for having an opinion that goes against yours or challenging a black person in general!

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