Friday, February 13, 2009

Obama, another lie! What would Lincoln do?

During Obama's campaign, he clearly labeled "Middle-Class" as those earning $250,000 or less.

The Pork Bill has the following provisions:

- Obama’s plan to give workers a break on payroll taxes was cut back. It went from $500 to $400 for individuals and from $1,000 to $800 for couples. Individuals earning $75,000 and couples earning $140,000 are ineligible.

- There will still be tax breaks for buying a new car, but it will be harder to qualify and the total money available dropped from $11.5 billion to $2 billion, The Wall Street Journal reports. On the other hand, reports the measure allows those who buy a vehicle this year to deduct the state sales and excise taxes, as long as the buyer earns less than $125,000 per year.

Funny, just a couple days ago Obama was on his soapbox telling America on national television how the middle class was hurting. How the middle-class needed action now to prevent a catastrophe.

Even Prince Harry and Princess Nancy kept to the talking points with the "Helping the Middle-class" was their top priority! Funny, I thought funding condoms was Princess Nancy's top issue!

IF Obama was a man of his word and had even a little integrity, "Like Lincoln, the President Obama is trying to emulate" he would veto the bill and send it back! Why, HE MADE A PROMISE TO CARE FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS AND THIS BILL LEAVES OUT MILLIONS OF MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS.

Will Obama be true to his word? Easy answer... NO!

Obama is no Lincoln! Obama, is a hollow-man with no soul! He will throw anyone from the bus to promote his socialist agenda including millions of those he sought support.

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